Chapter 7 - 1 May 2021

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Fan meets were always fun for the band and me

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Fan meets were always fun for the band and me. While concerts were good for ARMY giving out physical energy, fan meets gave us an emotional connection. The bond the members and I felt to our fans was more than words could ever begin to describe.

I genuinely enjoyed meeting all the winners. The usual language barrier problems happened, but the language of love shared between idol and ARMY was clearly recognised. I understood more English than I could speak, so at least I could understand most of what the people were saying to me. I tried to communicate as best as I could using my broken English.

The mother and daughter were the last two people greeting the members. I noticed that the woman wasn't talking to the guys, but was letting the little girl have her time. I was intrigued by this action, seeing how everyone we'd ever met always wanted more time with the band, not less.

In the gap between the last fans and the now smiling girl, I stole glances at the attractive woman. Her skin was so fair that it made my pale skin look a couple of shades darker compared to hers. She had the prettiest green eyes; a colour I had never seen naturally in the sea of brown or black Korean eyes. She had a full bottom lip and slightly thinner upper one, both were the loveliest light dusty pink colour.

'I hear that a woman's nipples are the same colour as her lips.' I mentally shook that image out of my head, now was not the time to be thinking such things.

I swept my eyes over her body. I knew from standing beside her in the hallway that she was shorter than me. I took in her curvaceous hips and luscious breasts, unconsciously licking my lips. Her skinny jeans and sinched t-shirt enhanced her assets. I was a sucker for women who have a little more cushion on them. I loved the feeling of curves under my hands. It wasn't until an elbow jabbed into my ribs that I realised that I was staring at her like an idiot.

"Hyung, what's with you and this woman?" Jimin whispered, not wanting to alert the manager of our conversation, especially since he was standing behind us. "Do you know her from somewhere?"

All I could do was shake my head. I couldn't trust what words would come out at the moment. I'd never felt like this in my 29 years. It was more than feeling aroused or wanting to get my dick wet. When I'd fucked chicks in the past, it was just to fulfil the need of sex. But with her, it was different. I wanted to get to know her, which is something I didn't usually do with a woman.

'If this feeling is infatuation, I want more.'

Plastering a genuine gummy smile on my face, I welcomed the little girl and her mother. "Hello, congratulations," I spoke with a deep voice.

"Thank you, Suga," the girl spoke in perfect Korean, shocking me.

"Oh, you speak Korean?"

"Yes, my mum taught me. I am Sophie, and this is my mother, Astrid."

'Astrid. A beautiful name for a stunning woman.'

Sophie and I talked for a few minutes. I learned that the girl was crying because she had left the gifts that she had made for us in her hotel room. She talked about how they lived in Australia, in Brisbane, a city I had never been to. But if they had women beautiful like this one, I wanted to go.

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