Chapter 59 - 19 December 2021

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It felt so good to be home

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It felt so good to be home. After nearly three weeks in hospital, I was excited to be able to sleep in my own bed, not be woken up all hours of the day and night from staff needing to check vitals or draw blood.

I may have come home, but it didn't mean I could do whatever I wanted. Dr Shin had originally wanted me to stay another few days for observation, but had relented to letting me leave earlier after I'd threatened to discharge myself. He did, however, give Yoongi a very detailed list of things I could not do, which far outweighed the things I could.

Basically, for the next week, I was to be on strict bedrest since my muscles were still recovering from the neurotoxin. After the week, I had to take it easy for another month. I had reluctantly agreed but was upset that I'd have to spend Christmas on bedrest.

I wasn't allowed to move around by myself, I needed supervision whenever I was on my feet since I was so unsteady and considered a falls risk. Yoongi assured Dr Shin he would be enforcing that rule, even if he had to tie me to the bed. I'd blushed tomato red, embarrassed that my kinky fiancé had to say something like that.

"You okay, Wuzzy?" Mia asked, taking the empty spot next to me on my bed. I had no idea where Yoongi had gotten to after our nap together.

"Yeah, I'm good," I said, saying my usual response whenever anyone asks me that.

"Ok, now the real answer please." I should have known that Mia would be able to see through the bravado I was trying to exude.

"I will be okay, but when that is – and how – I don't know yet. Just taking it day by day right now, I guess. I actually feel more sorrow for Yoongi than myself though. He's the one who had to watch it all unfold, while I was asleep and oblivious. He not only lost his baby, but for nearly a fortnight, his worst nightmare of losing me could have come true any of those days."

"He definitely went papa bear on everyone," she teased. "Every action the doctors and nurses took around you had to be explained before he let them continue. I'd always respected Suga and Agust D, but this made me see Yoongi in a whole new light – the passion he has for music was overshadowed by the love he has about you. The poor bloke was worried sick."

It made me fall for my man even more by what Mia told me. I couldn't wish for a better soulmate, fiancé or father of my child than Yoongi, and his actions of looking after and watching over me showed that in spades. Never in our relationship had I worried about his feelings towards me, and I was so happy he was showing that side of himself to more people than just Sophie and I. But it also broke my heart to hear what he had gone through; I know for a fact that if the roles were reversed, I would have been an inconsolable mess.

"The thing I can't work out is why someone would do something so... heinous. Then to find out she was someone who has a medical degree and declared an oath to help people, it's so hard to understand why."

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