Chapter 87 - 21 February 2024

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I'd lost count of what day it was and how many mornings I'd woken up in the same hospital room

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I'd lost count of what day it was and how many mornings I'd woken up in the same hospital room. Yoongi had been an absolute trooper, not complaining about having to sleep in a room where someone came in every three hours to check the readings of machines, levels of IV bags and my blood pressure.

I on the other hand had been whinging and whining to anyone who listened about my desire to get out of here. I understood that it was for the safety of my unborn babies, and as much as I would do anything humanly possible to secure their safe delivery, staying in a bed all day and not being able to leave it was absolute torture.

I had to have someone help me into wheelchair, wheel me into the bathroom, then help me stand and sit on the toilet just to relieve my bladder. And this happened every two to three hours! It got to the point that between the frequent bathroom trips and the constant physical examinations that I became so frustrated in wearing panties that I'd been going without them for days now.

At first, it was awkward for the guys whenever they came to visit since they were worried about seeing something they shouldn't. Jin and JK, the two men with babies, blushed and quickly turned away any time I had to move and get comfortable. But after a couple of days, it became less of a big deal and out of all the times I'd had visitors when I needed to pee, I'd only flashed myself once. Tae and Joon got an eyeful of my bare pussy, with the youngest one joking about how he could honestly say he'd seen a pussy now.

At this point, after having so many people see and prod my vagina, I was numb to it all. Each time a male doctor came in to do an internal test, Yoongi scowled and glared at him, unhappy that another man was seeing and touching me like that. My husband had turned into a very protective papa bear, always keeping an eye on every person who entered our room in case they were a threat to his young and mate.

I felt like the worst mother in the world. Instead of being worried about mine and my babies' health, I have been incredibly turned on seeing Yoongi so protective; it was like his dom persona but outside the bedroom for all to see. Actually, in those moments, it wasn't my husband, Min Yoongi, in the room; it was Agust D and that had me wanting, needing him so bad.

Do you know how hard it is to look at your incredibly sexy, mind-blowingly handsome husband and not be able to do anything about the mountain loads of hormones all screaming for me to fuck him silly? It's impossible. I was unfulfilled sexually, emotionally frustrated and mentally exasperated.

But out of all the things that sucked about being on monitored bedrest in the hospital, the most frustrating thing was... it wasn't working! My hypertension and blood pressure hadn't improved, and in fact they had gone up over the last 12 hours or so.

"How are you doing today, Astrid?" my favourite nurse, Sulli, asked as she came in for her afternoon rounds. Like every time she came on shift, I let her know how the babies and I were doing. She saw me as a woman and friend, not a patient, and I loved that most about her. "I hear the hypertension has been increasing. Has your hubby been giving you too many kisses?"

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