Bonus Chapter - 10 May 2021

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"Yoongi, are you ok with this? " Astrid asked softly, resting her chin on my chest and looking into eyes

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"Yoongi, are you ok with this? " Astrid asked softly, resting her chin on my chest and looking into eyes. Her eyes narrowed; shit, she must've noticed my cheeky grin as I thought of the mind-blowing blow job she gave me last night. "No, not that my little pervert. I mean are you ok with me being a packaged deal?"

While I never pictured having an instant family when I thought of meeting my soulmate, I wouldn't change it for the world. I cupped her face, gently caressing her cheek with my thumb as I told her so. "From the moment we realised we were soulmates, I have considered Sophie part of my family. I want to get to know her more, spend time with her so she feels the same way I do." I paused, gathering my thoughts to make sure I said everything the way I wanted to. "I know it's too early right now, but I would love in the future to be Sophie's father. I don't want to treat her like a member of the family who came into my life by circumstance – I want to treat her, consider her like she is of my own flesh and blood, and hopefully, in time, she will accept me as her father. I mean, if that's ok with you?"

'Fuck, did I say the wrong thing?'

Astrid was so quiet and didn't move, didn't breathe. The only change to her face was the single tear tracking down her cheek before a sob broke free and the floodgates opened. Seeing my soulmate crying made me do the same. I really hoped that I hadn't scared her off with my declaration.

"You, Min Yoongi, are an incredible man and I am so proud you are my soulmate," she whispered finally between sniffles, her voice chocked full of emotion.

I shuffled down so our heads were level before I kissed her deeply. I tried to convey all the emotions I was feeling into the kiss. I was elated that Astrid was mine and that she accepted me being her daughter's father.

After an amazing make-out session with some light groping, Astrid and I opened up to each other. She told me more about her mother and how she died. Hearing how she was just a little girl of eight and that she had to watch her mother pass away after her fight with a brain tumour had both of us in tears again – hers for missing her mum, and my tears were in sympathy for my soulmate.

I spoke about some of the fears that I had been feeling since we found each other. While I was so excited and happy to be the father-figure in Sophie's life, I was also shit scared too. I told Astrid about how I was afraid that I would screw up, that I'd be a bad father and absolutely terrified that Sophie wouldn't accept me and make me break up with her mother. Astrid listened as I told her that I didn't have the best relationship with my parents growing up, that they hadn't accepted my dreams of making music.

Astrid alleviated my fears, telling me that I had basically been a father-figure to my brothers – even Jin – all these years, raising and moulding them into the incredible men they were today. I laughed when she reminded me that I was the one to fix everything Namjoon broke, which is something dads do. She also told me that Sophie adores me and how she overheard our daughter telling her friend back home that the best things that came from her trip to Seoul were seeing us perform, and that her mother's soulmate is now her step-father. Tears of happiness ran down my cheeks hearing that Sophie was calling me her step-dad.

Astrid and I talked about my role in Sophie's life. I was to start taking on more parental responsibilities, including discipline. We talked about her parental style in terms of disciplining bad behaviours and rewarding good. I admired the choices Astrid had made in terms of raising her daughter. Since Sophie came into her care at such a young age, Astrid had treated her with a 'firm but fair' approach. It was exactly the way I wanted to raise my children too.

Thankfully, Sophie had grown into a good child who didn't misbehave much, so I wouldn't have to come down on her a lot. I laughed as she told me about some of the tantrums the little girl had subjected my soulmate to when she as younger. The one where Sophie was kicking and screaming on the floor of a restaurant had me in stitches. Astrid told me stories about their life together until our stomachs were both grumbling, demanding breakfast.

 Astrid told me stories about their life together until our stomachs were both grumbling, demanding breakfast

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