Chapter 15 - 9 May 2021

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Yoongi and I have been spending a lot of time together, both alone and also with Sophie

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Yoongi and I have been spending a lot of time together, both alone and also with Sophie. Yoongi wasn't only bonded with me; he was also part of my daughter's life now, so it was important that the two of them got to know each other. I wasn't expecting him to take on the role of her father right away, but because my soulmate was going to be her father figure, I did hope they were both comfortable in Yoongi disciplining her when necessary – it wasn't like that would happen often since Sophie was overall a really good kid.

Yesterday was spent with the three of us in the car on a day trip exploring the sights of Korea. Both Yoongi and I had a shared hobby of jumping in the car and just driving, not knowing where we were going; there was something so freeing about having no itinerary and just going where a turn of the wheel took you. It was such a nice day, every time we came to an intersection, one of us would call out a direction, letting fate decide where we'd end up.

My soulmate had made us a lovely picnic lunch, which we ended up eating at a stunning lookout high up a mountain. The view was simply breathtaking and we made sure to take plenty of photos for our friends and family back home and for me to place into a scrapbook of our memories. Yoongi had wanted to share the sight with ARMY too, saying he would post the pictures in a few days.

How he cared for the fans was one of the many things that was making me fall for him. Spending most of the past week and a bit together, I was getting to know who Min Yoongi was. Yes, there were parts of Suga and Agust D that shone in his personality, but I was getting to know who the man behind the alter egos was.

Min Yoongi was everything and more that I had ever wanted in a man. He was kind-hearted, attentive and he actually listened to what I was saying and didn't try to solve my problems for me, which is a pet peeve of mine. When we have been out together in public (both of us heavily disguised), he never once ogled any other women; and he was a really good communicator, we could talk about anything and everything. And he was honest, though sometimes he was a bit too much.

'Seriously boy if I ask do I look fat in this, the answer every time is NO!!'

I wasn't in love with him yet, but I was definitely heading in the right direction. I knew it wouldn't take much for me to get there, but I wanted to know my love for him was because of who he was as a person, not because destiny had chosen him to be my soulmate.

* . °•★|∘°∘♡∘°∘ •┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈• ∘°∘♡∘°∘|☆•° .*

After the nice relaxing day where the three of us had spent the day around the pool with the rest of our Bangtan family, my man and I were snuggled up in bed together. Yoongi had come in with two shot glasses, a bottle of whiskey, a bowl filled with paper, and a look on his face that was a mixture of playfulness and desire.

"I thought we could play a little game beautiful," he said as he filled the glasses with the brown liquid. "Something fun for us to get to know each other a bit better."

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