Chapter 28 - 9 June 2021

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I lived for my daily family video calls with my girls

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I lived for my daily family video calls with my girls. I loved hearing Sophie talking about the latest gossip in her school was so adorable – apparently, her best friend Liam was having copious numbers of girls desperate to see his soul tattoo, each hoping his matched their own.

Soph, Astrid and I had had several talks about how her mother and I felt when we got our marks. It was about 10 weeks or so until the girl would receive her own; something she was both excited and nervous to receive. When I questioned about the nervousness, Sophie tried to murmur beneath her breath that she didn't want to break her mother's heart if Liam wasn't her soulmate. Both Astrid and I tried to assure the young girl that neither of us would be disappointed about who her soulmate was, as they were destined for her.

I entertained my girls with my singing, rapping and often played some of the new music I had written. I loved how they both praised, and gave positive criticism for the new material. I wanted to make them proud of me, so hearing the praises by my little family felt so much better than when the guys, or even Bang PD, did the same.

One thing I kept to myself though, was how Astrid had become my muse. I hadn't told her that since she had come into my life, I was feeling more inspired with my producing and song writing. In fact, the first song I'd written for my third mixtape was done the very first night I had met her, when I left the dinner early to work on a beat I couldn't get out of my head. As I laid down the beat and melody that night, words started flowing through my head, and after a couple of hours work, a fully formed song had been created. At the time, I didn't know why I was writing a love song, but after our first date and finding out we were soulmates, well the only conclusion I had was that my soul knew Astrid was my soulmate before I did.

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

The past few days, I've felt like something has been troubling Astrid more than usual. I'd tried to get her to talk to me, but everything I have tried only resulted in the same answer: "I'm fine."

My father taught me that when a woman says she's fine, she isn't fine.

I just wish my soulmate would open up to me. I was becoming more and more worried.

'Is it just the distance?'

'Was she was starting to have second thoughts about me'

'Or, is there something else going on that I should be worried about?'

"You ok, hyung?" Jimin asked as I joined him on the comfy recliner in the media room, curling around me in a big bear hug. He may have been watching the movie with everyone else, but as soon as he saw my face, his attention was on me from then on. Jimin had always been able to pick up on our emotions with just one look and at this moment I was glad for that.

I shook my head, eyes welling up. "She still won't tell me what's wrong," I confided. My voice, which I kept low so not to interrupt the movie, cracked as a loud hiccough snuck out as tears rolled down my cheek. "I hate this distance between us. We may be connected because of those toys, so we aren't lacking intimacy, but I don't want that if I have to sacrifice our emotional connection with one another. I already feel like a part of me is missing, I can't lose her too!"

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