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"I guess I haven't explained the hierarchy in this school"


I DIDN'T QUITE get what was with the look of pity that Lira was currently throwing my way. My eyebrows arched, uncomfortably moving across the room to place my food packaging in the bin. Lira followed my every move with that pitiful expression she so casually threw over to me.

"No wonder you always look so confused, shit, I would be confused if I had to sleep in the same room as her," Lira grunted, still maintaining that look I was starting to hate, not to mention the curse word.

Claire was a lifesaver, turning to face her roommate, "What are you talking about? It's just Daya, you sound like she's the spawn of the devil himself," she grunted, glancing over at me.

"Her," Lira corrected with a purr.

Claire and I looked at her quizzically as she continued, "The devil Herself, because that's what the hell she is," Lira huffed turning back to her work for only a moment before spinning back around to face me, which honestly kind of startled me, "tell me, does she grow tentacles at night and drag you to hell?" Lira asked, her eyes wide.

I moved back a little quite uncomfortable with the whole situation as Claire pushed her roommate back, "Stop it Lira, you're scaring her."

Lira glanced at Claire then back at me, "Well she should be scared. I would be sleeping with one eye open if I had to share a room with that backstabber," she grumbled, leaning against her chair as she folded her arms.

There was a slight pause that developed between us, which gave me time to jot down a few statements in my notebook, showing them to both Lira and Claire.

'Daya isn't bad," Lira read aloud with a scoff, looking right up at me, "she isn't bad now because that's her whole façade," she grunted, "she's practically Miss Kingsland, teacher favorite, super good at everything she does, especially with that pesky dilect she has, and half of the male population bleeding over her every move," she rolled her eyes at this statement, "so yes- she isn't bad-" she snapped,

"Anyone could look like a queen when they got a frickin crown on their heads, but that all changes when it's taken away- doesn't it? Then comes the war and bloodshed to reclaim one's crown, or throne whichever one you deem has more value," she explained throwing words out in a ramble.

I tried to follow what it was that Lira was trying to explain. She seemed to paint Daya in a very bad light. While I was quite sure Daya was not perfect, I mean what decent girl goes out every night-

My endeavors flashed in my memory and I adjusted in my embarrassment, glancing over at Claire who was still looking at Lira still surprised about her outburst.

That aside, I did notice that Daya was a little stuck up and a tiny bit bossy but not to the savage extent of imagery that Lira was painting.

Lira shook her head at our reaction as if she was both not surprised, we didn't get what she was saying and yet even after knowing we wouldn't she was still disappointed, her eyes narrowed on me leaning in.

"I guess I haven't explained the hierarchy at this school-" she began, glancing over at Clair, signalling her to come closer. Claire huffed sliding closer.

Lira breathed out her gaze trailing between us, "There are several students that you shouldn't cross when you come to Kingsland. Among those are the original five, Daya, and some snotty snobs," she scoffed at the last group, "just for your safety," she added, " especially that you're newbies-gosh you guys are so lucky to have me," she grunted getting to her feet.

THESE HIDDEN WINGSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ