[169] TEAMS

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"3 days, with just him."

"For Pete's sake, hurry up Reddy. We're almost late!" Lira complained as I tousled along behind her, after fighting a miniature shrub for my jacket.

Ugh, I hated this. I grunted in frustration as I dusted my jacket.

I wasn't prepared for the Games. As far as me and my little mind knew, we were supposed to make this journey tomorrow. When the sun was out, not 15 minutes after midnight fighting against the cold, the wind, and apparently-

I clapped in mid-air at the annoying buzzing, staring down at my hands in disgust.


"RED!" Lira bellowed, and I sighed as she motioned for me to come along.

Something was up with her since the match, you would think she would be happy.  Andrew won! Lighten up a little. But of course not. Lira looked more pissed than usual.

And I was not about to ask her why. I needed my head to stay on my body. We walked down the maze lines side by side, quietly.

I glanced at her, watching the tightness in her jaw.

Yeah, she didn't seem like she was in the "talking or sharing mood."

Whatever must have happened between her and Andrew in that locker must have been something.

I strained my ears at the sound of voices the nearer we got to the open. I guess we would have been almost late if everyone was already there.

"Harvest is going to have my ass if we're late," Lira grumbled whilst I chuckled.

No matter what, it would never be funny whenever I saw Lira this way. It was indeed hilarious (in its way) that she, Miss Feisty, Miss 'Nothing Gets to Me' would be indeed terrified of one thing.


Well in her defense, she was not alone. Heck I had been her a few weeks ago... so scared of that brooding boy in black-

I paused at that thought, tightening my back strap as I thought about it.

Had been?

After all, I had seen how could I say I wasn't afraid? Something must be wrong with me.

I should be.

I should be frozen to the bone.  The sight of him, his dark eyes, the spider-like veins crawling on his face, looking soulless, and his wings...

They shifted from that dark obsidian, the feathers gone until it was bony-like, and set on fire.

He looked,


I should have told Gravis about all I had seen and yet, I haven't, and I know I won't.

Poor guy. The only thing he asked of me was to stay safe and here I am, protecting a potential threat.

Potential?? Who was I kidding?

Harvest stopped two Ancients and killed a fleet of undead vampire-like bats!  He could disappear and appear in a second, and I was pretty sure none of that sat under the powers a yellow could have. Because he wasn't a yellow. He was the heir of darkness.

By the life of me, I understood it and yet didn't at all. What was the heir of darkness? Perhaps the question I wished to ask was how was harvest the heir of darkness?

I stared at the leaves that we trampled on as we turned, before glancing down at my princess notebook, tucking in the dangly pen before it could hang off.

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