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There are only three wilting trees left in all of Kingsland and maybe the last of their kind on earth.


I MOVED UP the small hill, appreciating the fresh air.

After the morning I had, I just had to get out of that stuffy little room for my peace of mind. I stood at the top, staring down at the grounds of the King's Courts, pulling a lock away from my line of view that had been floating across my face with the breeze.

I sighed taking a deep breath in,

This was more like it.

I had no time for myself these past few days, everything seemed to have happened all at once in one big blur.

I could have visited Claire and Lira but those two were like matchsticks, they worked well together but there was always something going on in that room and I knew heading there was the complete opposite of having the peace I so desired,  even though it was far better than staying in my room with Daya and Ellie, who had decided to invite the girls back to our room and try to find the culprit.

Ah, Yes, I was better off here, and alone.

I glanced behind me, turning to the tree that Lira, Claire, and I had been under a few days ago.

This was the second time I had visited this tree without them and I was starting to think maybe this was my special spot.

I mean it played the part quite well, mirroring my exact emotions looking as droopy and drained out as I was. 

I sighed my hands trailing up the bark of the tree, it was good to know that even Nature had some bad days.

Sitting on the grass that also seemed a little dry and yellow at the tips as compared to the rest of the grass that littered the King's Courts, I lay down closing my eyes.

It seemed the whole world was at peace at that moment, except for the distant sound of a bird cawing I assumed not too far away from me.

Sundays seemed quite peaceful which surprised me because I arrived on a Sunday but last Sunday had been a whole lot busier than this one was.

Back at home Sundays were perfect. Sunday services, Sunday dinner where we would go out to eat at one of our favorite restaurants.

This Sunday, I would have been the one to decide where would eat but at this point, everyone knew where I would select because I selected it every turn.

These few days I've spent in Kingsland seemed like I had been here for at least half a lifetime because the outside world seemed to disappear with each passing day.

There was no further word from Gravis so I had no idea how Mom was doing and at this point, I missed her warm embraces and steady assurances that everything would be alright.

I needed to hear someone say I would soon get used to everything around me and finally adapt to my new life. I needed that assurance because I was already three things I never thought I would ever be called,

A stalker

A Thief

And a girl who died twice in two weeks.

It felt strange knowing that-

"The Wilting tree is the rarest species of trees, only known to be native to Kingsland and so only known by a few of its inhabitants," someone announced.

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