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Suddenly, two emerald eyes appeared on the bare surface, peering out at me.


THERE WAS NO other way to say this, but I must have lost my mind.

Yes, I was downright crazy.

I couldn't believe I had convinced myself to do this.

I should be doing what any other girl in their right mind would be doing at this time of night, sleeping like a good little normal person. But no, not me. Why did I complicate my life so?

Right after a lunch pack dinner with Claire and Lira, I should have gone straight to my room, written down a few poems to get my mind off things, maybe taken in a few more deep breaths, and then, I should have simply hurried along to bed, like a good little princess.

My fingers rattled against my thigh nervously as I stared at the restricted area, taking a deep breath in against the cold breeze that grazed my skin. The truth is, this wasn't my fault, I wasn't planning to be here, well at least not this early. I planned to wait it out a few more days and if he kept bothering me, then I would return to this dreadful place.

But as luck would have had it, just before I could sit down to write a poem and ease my mind, whilst I drew the curtains, my eyes caught sight of the dark shadowy figure making its way into the King's Gardens.

Of course, I knew who it was and of course, I knew what problems so-called 'bravery' had landed me in the first time, but I wasn't doing this out of bravery or curiosity this time. It was out of fear, a good solid fear, and a sprinkle of hope that I could somehow make him see reason. Seeing him walking into the Gardens made me realize this was one of the only opportunities I would get to speak to him alone.

I mean it's not like I had a frickin schedule to tell when or when not he was going to visit his fishy friends. After spotting him casually stroll into the gardens with his signature Dark look and nightmare black colored coat, with those large boots that made me feel like he was killing any blade of grass unlucky enough to be beneath his footing, I decided to quickly write down everything that I needed to for him to see reason.

That's right. I jotted everything down.

I had no trust in my fingers whenever I was around him.

They seemed to constantly shake in fear, and I wasn't sure if he could understand sign language. There was hope for him if he was really good friends with Raskei, she looked like she could sign, I mean she had to. But in other ways, Raskei didn't look like much of a talker, and surprisingly the two paired well with her gloomy intimidating nature and him with his dark cloudy one.

A match made in heaven, and yet to think of them romantically felt strange to me.

They seemed way too cold to be a couple, that would be just downright weird, and yet in some strange way, they did fit along those lines.

Harvest did look like a much more good-looking version of a Netflix bad boy if the bad boy wore dark colors all the time, looked like he could kill you in a glance which he very well could, and seemed like he didn't have a heart- which I'm sure he would replace in a heartbeat if having a heart was just an accessory.

Raskei was just like him if he suddenly became a girl overnight and shaved his hair, adding some tattoos. So, I guess in that way they were compatible. I took a deep breath off my inward ramble.

Excessive thinking made it easier for me to not focus on the mistake I was clearly about to make. But this was only to write my first wrong so I wouldn't have to deal with constantly looking over my shoulder.

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