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"I was wondering when you would ask about all this."


I SPLATTERED OUT streaks of water, whilst Claire roughly patted my back to bring me back to normal whilst scolding Lira who stood there unaffected.

"It was merely a quarter full, I swear!" she huffed, but Claire didn't seem too convinced, "for Pete's sake, I didn't even spill all of it," she argued, showing her the bucket.

"You reds are so fragile," she huffed before moving towards me, ordering Claire to move, roughly making her sit in front of me as she did the honors.

She soothed my back, in circles until I was able to breathe, "there, see! Easy peasy," she grunted, folding her arms.

Claire quickly moved forward, concerned eyes on me.

"Are you okay, T?" she asked, and after a good long breath in, I nodded, still exhausted, running a hand through my sticky wet hair.

"She could have died!" Claire huffed glaring at Lira.

"Well, isn't this a miracle?" Lira mocked.

Claire gave her an exasperated look, whilst I calmed down.

She let out a sigh, before her eyes dropped to me, "Sorry about that T, you overslept again," she stated, her tone still dipping in concern.

I glanced at her, pushing my hair out of my face before checking my watch. Well, in five minutes I would be missing breakfast.

"Get up reddy," Lira huffed walking toward the door, "now that it's been established that you can easily be murdered in your sleep, I think it's in your best interest to finally wake up," she offered, turning slightly, before opening the door, bucket in hand, revealing a curious-looking David who peered in.

He waved at me momentarily, whilst I offered a tired grin back.

"David and I are heading down for breakfast, " she huffed, glancing down at him, "Daya isn't here, lover boy" She sighed at his searching eyes, causing him to look up at her, rolling his eyes.

"You'll never find her here, believe me," she huffed dragging him along.

"Uh- I'll see you guys at breakfast," David called before the door closed in his face.

I managed a short chuckle at this, and so did Claire before her dark eyes turned to me.

"I'm sorry about that, Lira was convinced you were dead after we tried to wake you up for the gazillionth time, " she chuckled pushing me playfully, "by the way, you sleep like you're dead."

My face heated up at this, cheeks warming, as I managed a small smile, that formed at the corner of my lips.

She stood up and my smile faded, my lips pursuing as I pulled my knees up, rubbing my arm, staring at the sheets as I remembered the weird dream that I had.

The toddler, the figure, that child with those nightmare wings, my parents, the flashing of lightning mirrored across the sky-

"You- need to take a shower," Claire began causing me to look at her, as she turned slightly towards me, standing by my wardrobe.

"And you need to wipe yourself down before you soak your sheets any further," she hummed, moving forward to rummage through the clothes, pushing her glasses back up her nose, pausing for a second.

I looked away not thinking much of it as there were too many things going on in my head to think of anything else.

Was it a dream?

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