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Drawing You.


I YAWNED, turning the page over as I kept reading about all of the creatures of the sea, and the myths surrounding them. My eyes grew heavier with each passing second, just right about to pass out when a voice startled me.

"What are you doing here?'

I half turned quickly, my eyes trailing up to the dark-coated figure that was standing by the tree, behind me, placing a hand in his coat pocket as he normally did, a stoic look on his face.

"Do you not know what day it is, or do you just intentionally like putting yourself in danger?" he huffed, his tone sounding more condescending thanks to that stupid British accent of him.

It may be an ear-pleaser at times, but it made him sound old English and gave me the eighteenth-century vibes.

His gaze narrowed on me, and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"How did you even get here without anyone noticing? And aren't you supposed to be staying off that foot?" he asked with a sigh, shaking his head before his eyes trailed to me.

My gaze dropped to my lap with a frown wedged onto my face. I was basically brand new at this point.

Though it was still a little swollen and hurt slightly when I walked it was bearable.

Bearable enough for me to attend lessons today and certainly bearable enough to head out here.

I turned back around, eyes falling on my library book. I noted to myself that he shouldn't see it, knowing that him standing directly behind me was an advantage.

I took out the black book, jotting down that I had gotten permission so I was allowed to be here, showing it to him.

He stared at the book for a moment before sighing as he walked closer so that I could see his face better in the light of the firewall, which had kept burning continuously with the howls of the Amraoq in the distance.

He took the book, eyes trailing down the words before his gaze snapped to me.

"And why would you want to be here?' he asked, his tone dangerously low.

I didn't reply, my eyes shifting off him momentarily, though I could feel his eyes studying me.

"You're waiting for him," he stated lowly, words slow.

My eyes shifted back to him at the sound of this, reading an unrecognizable emotion in his eyes as his jaw ticked for a moment, before straightening, eyes trailed to the firewall, cursing beneath his breath, something I could barely hear, along the lines of-

'I hope he burns' before storming off without any further word.

My eyebrows arched at his strange behavior, watching as he disappeared into the darkness, a trick only he had perfected so well, my shoulders falling, suddenly feeling low.

Despite the awkward encounter, he had woken me up a bit from completely dozing off. And I had to admit that it would have been nice to have someone to stay up all night with.

I sighed, eyes trailing down to the book in my lap, brushing the blanket I had thrown over it to hide it from Harvest, before bringing it up to my lap with a deep sigh.

This would be one long night it seemed.

I tried so hard to not doze off, I swear but the night was only just starting. and by midnight even the growls of the Gigan in the distance didn't faze me anymore.

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