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"Harvest Adams- yellow."


"MR. ASHE RASHID of the Oranges, and his secondary, Miss Beaumont," I stared at the man that had been with us in the first Colors match we had ever gone to, Raskei versus the Dementor, also known as Ellie's arch-rival who was also currently standing in front, Thandiwe.

He seemed to be of Indian descent, nodding slightly as his name was called. Behind him stood a very beautiful woman, her luscious red hair dripping to her shoulders, smiling as her name was mentioned right after him.

There was a slight pause that enveloped us as Gravis looked over us, "our Prime teacher for the Blues, Miss Akhana Amir is currently indisposed. As you know, she is also the acting Spokesperson of Kingsland, hence she is rarely ever available on school grounds. Her acting Secondary for this Cycle should have been Mr. Solomon Carter-"

The crowd gasped, as did I along with them.

Carter Solomon was also supposed to be the secondary teacher for our cycle! Well, the blue cycle in particular but that was beside the point. Carter Solomon was supposed to be standing a few feet away from us on that platform, but I didn't have to double-check to see that he was nowhere near the gathering

"Unfortunately, the Kings Prime Knights are also currently indisposed. The outside world requires them," he breathed out his large shoulders heaving, "For this reason in their place will be Miss Aileen Lopez," he introduced a teacher that nodded too.

She had rich brown hair with some white streaks in it that gave out the fact that she was aging, but aging gracefully.

"For the Yellows, we have Miss Himora Arti Sasaki," he announced, eyes now latched on a woman who looked like she was of Japanese descent, her seemed to study us all. I shivered at the thought that if Harvest abilities were that vast, what more could she do?

"—and her secondary for this cycle, Giselle," Gravus continued, introducing the last female in the line of the teachers.

She had short bouncy hair and stood the shortest of all the teachers that were currently standing.

"And lastly," Gravis paused, "for the Silvers, I am the prime that will guide you on your journey, and my second." he paused motioning to someone that was only now walking on stage, "Bear."

I glanced at the so-called Bear my head trailing up his height. No kidding, the guy was built like a mountain, even taller than Gravis himself or Lucas Bowne.

He had a lot of hair on his body, his beard looked like a rough lion's mane. He merely grunted, taking the same soldier stance that Gravis had taken. At this point, I kind of felt sorry for the Silvers.

I had known Gravis all my life and one thing was certain, he would beat perfection out of them, create soldiers out of stone. He had such an army philosophy, I seriously pitied all the silvers, and from the looks of some of them, it seemed that they pitied themselves too.

"You must realize that the Prime teachers are the seven leaders of Kingsland.  We will not be able to cater to every one of you as this is not the only cycle on Kingsland, hence the reason why most of you will be guided by our very experienced and highly capable staff, led by a secondary. We only feel that it is important to know which Prime heads your Class, it is part of your identity, and your identity is your gift. Your Dilect."

I nodded at this, hands tightening around the straps of my bag, gaze settling on the Prime teacher of the reds I had seen at least four times before.

Miss Lucile Isis Almulese.

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