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"Sit down."


I DIDN'T FEEL a thing. No dreams, no darkness, and no light to fight towards this time. It was just like waking up from a dreamless dream.

I was taking in deep calm breaths, letting out an even deeper sigh as I turned in what felt like the warmest covers, I had ever felt, allowing myself to snuggle in between them, my head against what I assumed was the finest pillow in the world, not because it was softer than any I had, but because there was a nice scent against it which almost felt like you were standing right by the ocean.

But there was one problem only.

The pillow I had been sleeping on when I came to Kingsland was not this comfortable. It usually tickled my face which was the reason why I preferred not to use it at all... so why was it so soft now?

My eyes slowly opened coming face to face with a dark grey wall a few inches away from me. The room was so dark, I had to reach out a hand and trail it against the wall to make sure there actually was a dark wall only inches away from my nose.

My eyebrows furrowed at this, knowing fully well my room was light pink. There was something wrong with this place. How did I get here?

Images flooded my mind almost instantaneously, my hand suddenly flew to my throat and a shaky gasp escaped my lips as I frantically sat up in bed, pushing the dark covers off of me.

My hands traveled up my throat feeling for any deep gnashes, but when I felt nothing, my eyes trailed down my arms and my legs, expecting my skin, visions of every swipe the sirens had made across my body running through my mind like a marathon as I searched my body for any deep painful claw marks.

When I saw my body had somehow come back clean and mark-free, my eyes settled on my cut jeans, tiny rips, as well as a large claw mark up my thigh leaving it exposed, a clear indication of what I had gone through last night. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at a particular cut on my jeans that freed my knee so it was barely showing. My fingers pushed the rip apart, eyes trailing over my smooth knee.

No marks, no scar.

Not even the one I had always had since I was a kid when I tripped over a thorn bush in my rose garden and bruised my knee. Every single scar on my body was gone. My breathing accelerated at this moment, lips a whisper apart, trying to ease myself and the growing panic at the realization that once again, I had come out of a deathly situation A-okay.

Bidding myself to maintain a leveled head in this situation, I finally returned to my surroundings, instinctively making myself as small as I could as I stared into the room.

Everything was a dark from the dark grey color of the walls to the nightmare black bed covers that were currently on me. The fact that the curtains were drawn with only a whisper of light able to shoot through did nothing to help brighten this place up.

The room was different than the other rooms.

Apart from the chilly color choice, it was slightly bigger than the average room. It only had one bed, though the two closets on either side of the room were a clear indication it wasn't meant to be a room for one.

There was a study table similar to the one every other room had paired with a chair, but it was exceptionally empty with what looked like only one book on it, it was hard to tell through the airy darkness.

In a corner was placed an aquarium with one of the most irregular-looking fish I had ever seen, it was large and looked like a stone, and yet its movements claimed otherwise.

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