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HARVESTS HANDS TIGHTENED across the bar, dipping his head back, with a soft sigh, the locks of his hair grazing his shoulders. His gaze kept to the roof of the tent, and his breath was soft and sour against his lips, gritting his teeth.

His heart was pounding fast. Too fast for a moment that small.

He rested a hand on his heart, taking a deep breath out again.

"It's okay." He whispered, "It's okay."

He had done the right thing.

Whatever it was, whatever it was she wanted, it didn't matter. What mattered was setting things back to where they were.

Before he spiraled.

He glanced at the glow peaking beneath his coat.

His mark was burning again, it had been burning for a while now, but that was not his concern right now.

She was not his concern anymore.

He looked down running a hand across his face as if to wipe the feeling that swept over his body.

No thinking. No thinking.

"No thinking," he repeated, this time verbally.

Still, he remembered her face.

The look in her eye. She looked frightened, scared.

He shook his head, a hand over his shoulder squeezing tightly as if suddenly ached. There was nothing that could scare her.

The woods were filled with converts, there was no way any of them would be here—

It didn't matter anymore. His head dropped forward, still massaging his shoulder.

Whatever it was didn't matter. It was better now than later.

No thinking.

"Alpha!" Someone shouted from the outside.

His gaze raised to the noise.

"Leviathans!" John barked, "Shouting the Alpha's name is un-orderly."

Harvest sighed. Staring at nothing for a moment. Perhaps it would blow over and the converts would sort themselves out. Very few things actually required his attention, most things could be sorted within the hierarchy.

"I swear if you don't let me in there right now—"

His eyebrows drew in. The blue.

That was her voice.

"What is it with everyone and breaking the rules?" John huffed, "The Alpha has made clear he will receive no petty quibble at this moment. I'm not about to get my ass handed to me right now. leave," John huffed.

Harvest got up, listening for a moment. His mark kept burning and his heart started its slow beat.

"So help me god, I'll kick your ass right now if I have to."

"You think I wouldn't see that coming?" He mocked, from the gasp Harvest guessed his eyes glowed gold.

John very would. He was one of the best seers. That is why Harvest kept him close. Though his foresight was time-limited, it was still a good weapon to have against foes who wanted to steal the artifact.

"Well I'm blue John, I know your weakness. Do you want to bet?"

John sighed, "the insubordination," John cursed, "It's insulting."

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