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Had he planned this, or was this a coincidence?


I LOWERED MY hand on my own, staring wide-eyed at Harvest.

"Claire came looking for you," Daya huffed moving past us towards her wardrobe, causing me to turn to her before my eyes found their way to the ground. I found it hard to keep eye contact with people, it was one of the hardest things about being a princess.

I find that the eyes are the windows to the soul, but being as mute and naturally attentive as I was, sometimes I felt like I was seeing deeper into the souls of people and that didn't work quite well when staring into icy blue eyes that felt like prisons.

My ears naturally perked when I heard a scoff coming from Harvest, but all I could think of was that he was standing a foot behind me. How could I run from this? Scratch that how did he find me? I mean maybe he was with Daya, but he didn't look surprised to see me, as I had with him.

Had he planned this or was this coincidence?

Pfft, Who the hell was I kidding? Of course, he knew dang well what he was doing. Dark minds like his don't base themselves on mere coincidence. I didn't want to think about what he had to do to find that out, but the guesses that were sparring in my mind were that he had been watching me for quite a while now.

This line of thought did nothing to better the panic that was building up within me. I was so nervous I couldn't stop playing with my fingernails and taking quick short breaths in especially now that the room suddenly felt very small. It was like I wasn't getting enough air in and I had to use as much upper body strength as I could to get one puff of air in.

Shutting my eyes for just a second, hoping I could gain composure whilst Daya's back was turned to me. I could do this, all I had to do was come up with an excuse to leave. My hand tightened around my back strap opening my eyes, my brain was shooting all kinds of suggestions my way, the first and the loudest being-

Screw it, you don't need an excuse, you can just leave-

After all, Daya was facing her wardrobe, and she couldn't see me slip out if I wanted to. I had mastered the art of being quiet, and I was sure I could do it, plus my hands were shaking way too much for me to start writing notes, and then trying to get her attention which was never focused on me.

Yep, screw it, I was going to make a break for it-

"So, this is your new roommate," the British accent spoken from a few inches behind me, made me freeze even before I could take my first step in a journey of a sonic dash.

I halted, sucking in a breath when Daya turned, slightly to look at us. I pursed my lips, eyes to the floor, feeling her gaze on me for a few more seconds before she spoke.

"Yeah- she's from uh-where was that place you said again?" she asked, her eyes narrowing on me when I looked up at her.

I had never told her where my country was.

She might have read it on my form, but even the location placed there wasn't my real home thanks to Gravis.

But back to the question at hand.

I froze looking at her, as she raised a taunting eyebrow. She didn't expect me to unpack, get my notebook and write one word for an answer I'm sure she didn't even care about.

My eyes shifted away from her, my hands getting sweaty as they fisted harder.

"Oh..." she trailed off with a dramatic pause, "I'm sorry," she apologized though her tone was as far away from apologetic as could be humanely possible and closer to a taunt.

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