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"I've been thinking about you-"


I STARED UP at him for a moment, pursing my lips, fists tightening around my bag straps. My gaze took a small sweep around my surroundings registering the foreign glances that were being thrown our way.

I stared at the ground, trailing up to Harvest when he suddenly left, passing right by me, the sway of his coat leaving a short breeze behind it.

All eyes swished to him as he walked down the hallway, as confidently as ever.

My eyebrows arched at this in confusion but that was soon cleared up when a shiver broke out down my spine, hearing his voice in my head-


I frowned at this, breathing out slowly shaking my head, and rubbing my tempo. I hated that he could do that.

I stared down at the hallway where David had disappeared huffing for a second, shaking my head before turning a 180, moving in the direction Harvest had just made for.

As I trod down the hallway, I couldn't help the pace at which my nerves were tingling. I didn't know why he was summoning me.

Yes, I was a little anxious and dare I say it scared, nothing new, but I was a lot more curious.

If this was going to be a usual thing I might as well take it to my advantage I figured.

There were a lot of mysteries about Kingsland but he seemed to be the biggest one of all.

I took the corner to the library catching a glimpse of the great hall inside, exhaling softly as I walked through the double doors.

I paused, eyes searching the space, spotting his dark coat traveling up the stairs- he paused, turning around slightly eyes on me for a second before turning away, and walking up the stairs to the first floor.

Biting my lip, I looked around desperately quite afraid people were watching but no one seemed interested.

I made my way after him, running up the large stairs softly, my legs feeling slightly tired as I skipped a few stairs to make it to the higher floor.

I broke out in the aisles, pausing to catch a glimpse of him, his coat disappearing right behind a bookshelf.

Huffing, I followed after like a monkey, trying to catch a glimpse of the bastard until, peeping through rows and isles, only ever seeing a trace of his coat, as it slipped drawing me deeper and deeper into the library until I couldn't remember which turns I took anymore, coming into empty aisle.

I stood confused for a moment, checking three more, and came back up clueless. I had no idea where he had gone, standing in the middle of an aisle, completely clueless.

"Hot," a clear voice said, and my eyebrows furrowed, I took a few steps backward-


I shivered at the echo of his voice in my head fighting off another. Hated it, hated it, hated it.

I moved six steps forward to the next row, seeing him with a book in his hand, flipping it over like he had been there a while.

"Hello," he greeted, still turning a page of the ebook, " finally here," he grunted lowly.

I stood there awkwardly watching the side of his face-

"I've been thinking about you-" he began turning slightly to face me, shutting the book he had been holding with a soft thump, his eyes now set exclusively on mine.

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