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"ARE YOU going to say something?" Daya huffed, staring straight ahead at the closed elevator doors.

When she received nothing but silence, she glanced at the boy beside her, who stood quietly, staring at the front, eyes slightly open as if there were weights on them, flashes of light bringing out the sullen look on his features as the elevator moved higher and higher.

Her eyebrows arched at this, unable to say a word for a second, her heart drumming inside her.

"Are you alright?" she asked. Quieter this time.

"Don't. Touch. Me," Lucas gritted, each word separated, roughly, his eyes suddenly snapping to her before she could reach out and touch his shoulder.

She was a little bit startled at this, the doors dinging open.

"Don't start pretending you care now," he growled lowly, before walking out of the elevator and she stood there for a moment, trying to collect herself.

To understand what exactly was happening. She knew he was angry, but he had never been this cold before.

She knew what he was going through, it wasn't the first time she had seen him like this, but he looked worse than he had back then.

She then moved into the hallways of the Crown where he walking down.

"What's that supposed to mean Luca?" she called out, stopping in the middle of the hallway.

She watched him stop in the middle of the hallway, pausing momentarily.

His jaw ticked, knowing he had to say something, something that he had been avoiding ever since he had seen her.

He had been so determined to put her in her place before but when he saw her out there, in the Arena, basically throwing herself over Harvest when it was clear he wasn't too fond of her, just made him feel worse.

Then he realized that things were way worse than he had speculated.

And seeing it right before his eyes made him feel hollow and angry, an emotion that didn't do him any good in his current state.

All he wanted to do was be alone. That's all he HAD to do till the blood moon. But that name-


She was the only one who called him that.

Something that used to be so precious to him made him feel disgusted he had thought of her and put her in such a high place.

He turned around, his tired eyes resting on hers, shoulder caved in despite his height, but his hoody hid most of his depleted self quite well, as did the dim lights of the abandoned corridors.

He studied her for a second, seeing what he saw the first time he ever laid eyes on her, yet missing one key ingredient.

She was still pretty, certainly gorgeous in every way. Not even bad lighting could take that away from her.

Her green eyes were a marvel to look at. He loved the way she pouted or how her confidence regulated off of her.

People mistook her for a bully, but he could see the beauty beneath, the power that she radiated- all of those little things no one paid attention to.

But now all he could see was her beauty.

Something that had never really held a candle to everything else he had marveled about her.

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