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"For your combat training you will be divided into three houses. The Hydra, the Kraken, and The Leviathan."


I WALKED OUT of the classes and into the busy hallways, standing still for a moment as I looked over people's heads.

It just hit me that I didn't know where to go. Sure, I knew Classes were done for the morning but usually it would be Claire and I coming out of Classes and heading to her room.

But I didn't know where to find Clair.

I didn't know which classroom she was in or if it was even located on this floor.

I watched as some kids regrouped with other kids and I sighed. We probably should have made a plan too, but now it looked like I was going to be on my own.

My strongest guess was that she had probably made her way back to the dorms, and I'd find her there. Taking a deep breath in, I began to maneuver my way down the crowded hallway, my notebook pressed to my chest.

Even in this crowded hallway I couldn't help but feel exposed without anyone chattering their mouths away by my side.

But, I guess I would have to get used to this, seeing that I was separated from everyone I had made a connection with.

I decided to not dwell on it too much, allowing my thoughts to wander off as I thought about the lesson I had just experienced with Miss Almulese.

Granted her methods of teaching were quite peculiar they were still effective and had left me with many questions of my own.

The biggest one that racked my brain now, was how I was going to get through this.

This whole charade Gravis and I were playing.

I had a little bit of comfort in the fact that Miss Almulese probably knew who I was. I mean, it can't be a mere coincidence that I keep getting put in Classes with prime teachers, could it?

If it were the case, I was a little bit nervous about how I was going to pull everything off.

She clearly stated we would all be able to do basic magic as a red in the upcoming classes, but I wasn't really a red, and therefore I couldn't do magic no matter how basic it seemed.

I had to admit, making a light bulb float in midair while switching colors didn't seem very basic to someone as ordinary as-


I bumped into a firm body, being knocked right out of my thoughts, feeling myself losing footing before someone caught me, hands firmly on my shoulder, and I double blinked looking at the guy in front of me,

"A-are you okay, Talanda?" an urgent voice came and I turned to see David holding me up and pulling me to a balance.

"Fucking watch where you're going, red," the buff dude in front of me growled out, an orange band dangling from his wrist, his eyes fierce-

"We're sorry, i-it was an honest mistake- uh- sir," David replied in my stead looking up at the boy who honestly seemed like he was cut from a rock by how huge he was for a teen boy.

He had short stuffy brown hair that barely covered his large head and the sleeves of his uniform pulled up to reveal his milky skin that had a tattoo on one shoulder of something I assumed was some kind of animal.

I couldn't tell because of how it had been badly botched.

The gorilla of a guy grunted roughly at David's reply. He was accompanied by a friend who was equally as displeasing, eyeing us after him, bumping into David's shoulder as they left which made him stumble a foot back.

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