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"It's dead."


WHEN I WOKE up to the sound of chatter in my ROOM, my eyebrows were the first to arc even before I opened my eyes. My vision came into contact with the two blurry figures arguing in low hushed tones.

"I'm telling you, this the faster way to get her up," Lira grunted, "This is eleven, and she's still asleep," she grunted.

"For the last time, we are not throwing a bucket of water over her," Claire grumbled, pushing her glasses back up her nose.

"I believe we agreed on a trumpet to her ear as the only other alternative, so you pick, Claire" Lira dragged, folding her arms.

Claire shook her head as if she couldn't believe the girl.

"Why can't you just shake her awake like a normal person?-" she huffed,

"Normal? I'm dilectus sweetheart-"  Lira grinned.

"That's beside the point. Besides, where are we going to get a trumpet from?"

"And that is why I vote we stick to the bucket, right David?!" she called loudly over, and I heard David's muffled voice coming from the other side of the door.

I didn't hear what he said exactly and I don't believe they had either though Lira used it to her advantage.

"See David agrees," she shrugged, "and this is a democracy so the bucket it is," she grinned-

Claire glanced down at me, and I looked up at her shaking my head.

she chuckled tapping Lira's shoulder, who turned around, coming face to face with me and I folded my arms, raising an eyebrow,

"How much of that did you hear?" she asked, slowly, eyes narrowing on me, "I'll have you know, to contemplate about doing a crime and actually doing it are two different things. So technically I've done nothing wrong," she sang however moving to the back of the room as she talked.

Claire and I chuckled at this, as I slipped out of bed-

"I take it  you enjoyed your night?" Lira asked from across the room, "Miss 11:20?" she asked as I checked my watch to confirm the time.

It sure was eleven twenty.

"Oh please, Lira, " Claire grumbled relaxing on my bed with a deep sigh, "It's Saturday- the one day we don't have to wake up at the nick of daybreak for classes."

I glanced at Claire who was still lingering into my sheets.

"Yeah, well get dressed redy, I don't want to be in this room longer than I have to," she huffed, her eyes trailing to Daya's bed. 

All our eyes lingered on the bed for a moment, before Lira broke the silence.

"Yeah, I feel a headache coming on, I need some air," she grunted moving out of the room, and I was momentarily able to wave to David but before he could wave back Lira had close the door behind her, something about how he was a sucker for Daya and hence should not be allowed to even look into her room.

Claire breathed out lowly as I passed by her, opening my wardrobe door so she wouldn't see me changing.

"Oh- your pillows wet," she grunted, taking a pillow out paused at this when she put it down, eyebrows furrowing as she sat up.

"Did you wash your hair?" she asked, and I immediately touched my hair, sure enough, it was still damp.

My hair was like a sponge, it just soaked and soaked and soaked until I got caught I figured.

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