[110.] POETRY

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"Why didn't I trade you when I had the chance?"


MY EYES LINGERED on him for only a moment before turning around, my heart beating harshly inside of me, looking around for Raskei. My fingers were tightly curled around my back strap and my breathing was ragged.

Where was she? Had she said anything to him of what she had seen back in the chamber?

"She's not here," Harvest grunted out, and I turned back to look at him once and for all, noticing that he seemed to be writing down a few things, hand shifting over a page, his eyes once again focused on anything but the person he was addressing.

I hated when he did that.

For some reason, it just creeped me out.

His eyes trailed up to me, the pen in his hand resting before he tucked it in his breast pocket getting up.

My eyes trailed to the floor, breathing low, the sounds of his footsteps growing heavier the closer he came to me.

I looked up when they stopped a few feet away from me, his deep sea eyes resting in mine for a second, a hand tucked in his coat.

"She left ten minutes ago, exactly how long it took you to find your way out of the chamber-" He stated calmly.

My eyebrows arched at this. How much was it that Harvest knew?

I was pretty sure Lira's only knew Raskei was unspoken but I hardly think she would know of chambers and memories that moved around us like screens.

But Harvest knew.


Did Raskei tell him? And even if she did, why?

It just didn't add up that someone like Raskei would begin to explain to someone who was not unspoken, about chambers and thoughts that resounded like voices.

"Raskei confirms you're Unspoken," he started blankly, gathering back my attention and my heart beat wildly from within me.

What else had Raskei said?

"You even making it to the chamber confirms it, but-" he trailed off and my eyes watched his every move, his eyes seemed to read mine, "it seems what your dilect is capable of has still not been identified."

I knew he was saying something, something about having a dilect. Raskei had said it too back in the chamber, and I knew what I had gone through made me different from what I thought I was, but for now, in this moment I tried to keep my face stoic, and my panick calm.

"I have reason to believe you can't even identify it yourself," he started.

My eyes flashed to him, eyebrows furrowing at what he said although deep within me, my heart felt hollow.  His gaze held
mine as if challenging me to deny it.

What made him believe that? And why did he say it so softly? He hardly seemed mad anymore.

"Because if you did know what your dilect was," he began,
"I would have seen it when your life was threatened," his jaw ticked at this, and my chest felt hollow, "twice now," he added.

I held his gaze.

"Granted you have a knack for finding yourself in ... bad situations," he trailed off, "but every convert and or deceptions first line of defense would be activating their dilect. It's a basic instinct," he grunted, eyes searching mine and I tried to hold his gaze bravely.

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