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"How does one even scare oldboods?"

"WHAT?!" RASKEI blurted out surprising herself with how loud she sounded, which was strange for her usually calm self, but in this predicament, she couldn't care less for how she sounded.

Her heart was a deep pound within her as she stared at the dark boy before her pacing around the length of the library row in the chamber.

A tight look was wedged across his features as he glanced over at her, frustration seemed to be oozing within him.

His dark features and hair glistened lightly in the light of the small bulbs stationed in the dark row furthest away from all the others, folding his arms with a short sigh, jaw clenching.

"Yes, she was there," he stated.

"How?" Raskei gritted out, this time regulating her tone though her eyes were still as wide as saucers, "How the hell was she there Harvest?" her breathing was more spaced, and her heart had an irregular beat within her.

"The horn, ofcourse," he growled back seemingly even more annoyed at his answer, "she just appeared in the middle of the forest, and don''t ask me how she did it, you know it would only work for her according to her desires- I don't know why she would want to be in a dark forest after it bloody rained, " he ranted off, releasing a melted breath.

"Are you sure she didn't see you going in?" Raskei asked, rather impatiently, eyes flashing to him, trying to read his stoic face.

"It was raining, bloody hell, I could sense her in her room-" he paused, eyes flashing back to Raskei, "does it even matter if she saw me or not, how does that solve the problem?" he huffed, exasperated, eyes narrowing on her.

Raskei shrugged carelessly, yet her eyes revealed mischief, and her tone had a low playful glint, "Oh I don't know," she replied folding her arms, " I mean you stare at her all day-"

Harvest scoffed at this

"What makes you think she doesn't?" she finished.

Harvest rolled his eyes at this, "Ofcourse she does, it is hard to not notice those magnetic-" he cut himself short as she raised an eyebrow, clenching his jaw, " I know what you're trying to do, but that's far enough," he grunted, returning to his pacing about, " there a bigger problem here. The fact is she was there," he stormed, "and-"

"and what?" Raskei asked, back to her her heart racing.

Harvest's eyes snapped back to her, "the old bloods," he stated, with a short huff.

Raskei cursed harshly underneath her breath, eyes shifting to the ground, cursing yet again,  her jaw tightening as she took a deep breath, taking a step closer to Harvest.

"Is she dead then?" she asked slowly.

Harvest's eyes flashed back to her, "No." he stated sounding a mixture of disbelief at the question, but his answer was firm.

"She saw the old bloods, right?" Raskei confirmed, her eyes following him, each word gritted out.

Harvest nodded, jaw ticking but remained silent.

"And I know, I just know you didn't let them get to her if she's still alive. But those Ancients wouldn't back down from a free meal like her. They must have sensed Armor's blood in her a second in," she added, snapping her fingers to show the effect of how quick.

Harvest took a breath out, glancing back up at her from hooded eyes, but said nothing to confirm or deny, yet this was more of a confirmation than any for Raskei.

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