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"Magic comes in four different forms."


"BASIC MAGIC," MISS Almulese began stopping at the front of the class. I side-glanced at my classmates who were all seated on the floor cross-legged the way that I was.

My eyes trailed to the back of the class, where all our desks and chairs had been neatly stored so that there was enough space for us to sit, reminding me of the Gold Colors class we visited with Mr. Ogustus on one of his afternoon Origins Class.

"Fi today, I want every one a yuh to be capable of finishin' dis exercise," she continued in that thick Jamaican accent, her dog also seated on the floor, wagging its tail as it stared up at its owner as even the teacher's desk that sat in front had been moved to the back.

I looked down at the exercise she was referring to.

It was only a small round smooth stone, placed on an equally small velvet cushion in front of us. There was another cushion. This time blue, placed a few inches away from the first, without any pebble being nestled in its silk.

"Fore we start, we gotta learn," she began clasping her hands behind her back, eyes trailing around us.

Her dreadlocks had been pulled up into a bun today, some of them loose and hanging over her shoulder-

"Magic comes in four different forms," she began "
De first be 'bout element and energy," she began, eyes trailing over our faces, "De second be 'bout words spoken, de third be 'bout Conductors, an' de last be 'bout Creation."

I noticed she was not writing any of this down like Mr, Ogustus used to do.

"Each o' dem holds its own power, and yet some forms be mightier than de others at max potential. In de first three forms, each one still can wield basic magic, regardless of de chosen knack o' yer dilect. Let me break it down another way.

Imagine we go back to dat ocean analogy – let's swap out de image of de ocean wit' how pure tenth-dimensional magic might be. In our last session, I spoke 'bout rivers an' streams, standin' for each o' yuh dilects, flowin' into de Magic ocean. Now, think of de forms of magic like different oceans in de world," she began suddenly spreading her hands and a magical globe appeared before us.

It seemed to be made out of tiny golden specks.

I stared at it in awe as she spun it gently in one direction so we could marvel at it and the continents of the earth intricately shown.

She threw it in the air, and it suddenly expanded, now a large globe over our heads, so we could see every detail and marvel at it in wonder.

"Think of de Atlantic Ocean as the Elemental Energies Form of Magic- The double E." she explained and as she did the letters appeared over the place where Atlantic was scribbled in turn replacing it, "It is the most widely used form of magic, not only undertaken in its magical form by we reds but as well as faeries and other light-hearted woodland creatures.

"Think of De- Pacific as the Word's Spoken, magic derived from the use of spells and poetry," she explained as the label of the Pacific Ocean turned to that of Words Spoken, "It be de most common notion of magic, yet it's also de one most prone to misuse and twisted beyond de bounds of good. While there be spells of light and words o' wisdom, there be also dark words, woven with deceit," she muttered, with a slight sigh.

"The third Ocean is the Indian Ocean, one de smaller oceans," she replied, "to this we substitute Magic by use of conductor, " I watched as the words replaced themselves as she talked.

"Dis one be a bit trickier," she began as my eyes settled on him, "by use of Conductor is by use of the artifact. Many magical items are used to enhance magic-Dese could range from harmless totems to potent artifacts like Pandora's box, de Trident of Poseidon, de Spear of Truth, an' countless more. Some be tailor-made for de magically inclined, but de most perilous ones be open to all, be they humans, converts, or deceivers, mi likkle ones," She paused, her eyes trailing back up to the globe-

"The last is the form of Creation Magic, one none of you must worry about," she began with a soft sigh, but I eagerly watched as the Arctic ocean was erased and the word Creation replaced it- "
It be a topic up for debate, as most don't reckon creatin' an entire universe as 'magic.' It might just be a whole separate element in itself. This power only ever been harnessed by the great architect, an' it likely gon' remain dat way 'til the end of time."

Mr. Ogustus had said Creation was an ability that only The Designer had, which was why the deceiver made it his mission to duplicate all the designer had created since he couldn't create himself.

My eyes trailed back to her-

"In each Origins Class o'er de next three weeks, we gon' take a quick look at each of these forms an' dive deep into de world of basic magic for each one. Today, as yuh can see, I done made de decision dat we take on de very first form – de Double E form, "

I watched her intently as she spoke.

"The Double E form It draws magic from de elements an' de energy floatin' 'round us. No matter which stream yer dilect be, all of 'em flow into an ocean, an' eventually, these waters blend 'cross forms. Let de energy yuh sense 'round yuh seep into yuh." She hummed as she took a seat cross-legged at the front, where she had her own set up of cushions and pebbles.

"Energy and the elements are all interconnected,' she began calmly, "so let it flow."

We all watched as the pebble on the red cushion suddenly rose in thin air, seemingly vibrating harshly. I watched mesmerized by it as it disappeared into thin air, only to be visible on the blue cushion in the next seconds.

Miss Alumulese grinned, placing her hands on her knees, her posture perfect- "This is your exercise•"

Well now, lets see how she does.

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