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Adrian's POV

They seemed so happy together.
Her wolf seemed to fit into the arms of his wolf, like a jigsaw puzzle.
I watched them in jealousy from the window on the second floor.
They were alone, and I wanted to give them privacy, but my feelings got the best of me.
My heart ached as I watched her wolf melt in his embrace.
The sun danced on her white wolf, and it was the most beautiful wolf I had ever seen.
I still remember how those blue orbs stared into my soul the other day.
Ralph, my wolf, wouldn't stop howling inside of me, at the close proximity of her.

Our mate.

There was no doubt that she was my mate. The mate pull was there, I could feel it towards her.
From the first time I met her, she smelt delicious.
When our eyes met, I was hit with an electric feeling through my veins, and I avoided her gaze.
Her scent was that of vanilla and it was driving me crazy by the minute.
Having to be so close to her all the time was like hell.
I wanted nothing but to be by Paige's side, protect her and love her.
She was inexperienced, fragile, but she was a strong woman.
She had improved over the week, and boy, she had a temper.

When I saw Dylan licking her fur, I felt a pang of jealousy and had to look away.
Then, the bitter taste of the truth hit me.
She was Zayne's mate.
She was the Luna.
She was the Alpha female, the Alpha queen.
I could never dream of having her in my life, but I couldn't ignore it.
Why did the moon king do this to me?
My mate could have been someone else but her.
How do I explain my feelings towards the Luna?
I wondered if she could feel the mate bond too.
Maybe she felt it, or maybe she was too busy with Zayne to know.

There had never been any cases of double mates, so this was a new discovery.
I could feel the mate bond, but, could she?
I was tempted to talk to her, to ask her if she knew anything about this.
But, I was scared.
Scared that she would reject me.
Or even worse, tell Zayne and have me killed.
"Our mate is with another wolf, and you are just here, looking!" Ralph said, with a hint of jealousy.
"What can I do?"
"She will be mated to him in a week, I have no say", I replied him.
"If she mates with him, we will feel everything, and the pain is going to be severe, even worse than wolfsbane itself!"
"Do you want to die because of such pain?" He asked in a loud voice.
Zayne suddenly burst into my mind, taking me by surprise.

I pushed Ralph aside to reply to my alpha.
"Tell the maids to bring a blanket for the Luna."
"I do not wish to see her for the rest of the week, so, keep her busy", he said in an annoyed voice, and I didn't hear him again.
I looked out of the window, and saw her sitting on the floor in her human form.
I looked away, because she wasn't wearing anything, and she also looked sad.
I immediately went downstairs and alerted the maids.
They swiftly went to her rescue, and I watched as they brought her into the house.

My heart broke as a tear fell from her eyes, but I could not do anything, and she went upstairs before I could speak to her.
"Come to my room, now", Zayne's demanding voice echoed in my head, and I fought the urge to roll my eyes.
"Yes, sir", I replied, and went up to meet him.
"You asked for me", I said as I opened the door of his room.
He was seated at the far end of his room, by his desk that was filled with unnecessary paperwork.
"Is there a way that we can postpone the mating ceremony?" He asked, leaving me in confusion.

"I do not understand."
"It is tradition to mate with the Luna within two weeks after meeting her."
"Why, if I may ask, do you want to postpone it?" I asked carefully.
"She's being such a goddamn bitch!"
"She doesn't listen, and she's always challenging me!"
"I am her Alpha!"
"And she is my pack member, before she is my mate."
"The stupid bond doesn't mean she can talk to me that way!" He yelled, causing the room to shake, and I could see that Dylan was about to come out.

"Calm down Alpha, she's new and inexperienced."
"She just needs, time."
I said, making sure that I didn't say anything that would make him angrier.
"What stupid time does she need?" He scoffed.
"Real Lunas get used to their position the minute they start to live in the pack house."
"But, that woman still acts like a low ranking wolf."
"She has no respect for me."
He growled, then, suddenly, a devilish smile appeared on his face.
"I think I need to punish my wicked Luna."
"She needs to be taught a lesson."
"When I'm through with her, she'll give me my respect", he said, and I was scared.

"What do you have in mind, alpha?"
"I will be gone tomorrow."
"Until the night of the ceremony."
He announced, but I was still confused.
Then, it hit me.
"But Zayne, you cannot leave!"
"She will go into heat!"
I said, remembering that Lunas usually went into heat on days leading to the mating ceremony.
The reason for this, was to improve the relationship between the alpha and the Luna, thus making their mating much easier and less awkward, if they didn't like each other.
But now, Zayne wanted to punish her by leaving.
Her whole body would be set on fire, and she would wish that she be killed, rather than bear the intense pain.
Only the scent and touches of the alpha could give her peace, and now, he wanted to leave her all alone during such fines.

"That's right, my good friend."
"And now, your duty is to keep her locked in her room when it starts."
"She must go through it without the help of anyone, not even the maids."
"Shut all the water supply from her room."
"Let her body be engulfed by the fire, then, she will come to her senses."
"Have I made myself clear?" He asked in his alpha voice.
"Y-yes, Alpha", I replied, my voice shaking from worry.
"How dare he!"
"Rip him to shreds!" Ralph yelled from inside me.
"He is the Alpha, I cannot kill him!"
"And, if I do, Paige will feel her soul tear apart."
"I cannot do that", I said to Ralph, who was pissed off.

"Leave now, I want to rest."
"It's been a long day, and I have a lot of trips to make tomorrow."
"The lunar eclipse happens in a month or so, all the Alphas of the northern region are preparing drastically."
"It will be an even night, which only happens once every millennium, so, it must be perfect!" He said.
"Yes, Alpha", I said, and left his room.
"We will not let her go through that pain!"
"If you do, I swear, I will abandon you, Adrian!" Ralph yelled.
"Calm down, we won't let anything happen to her", I said.
I trained with Paige the next day, and she seemed to be lost in her thoughts.
She didn't bother to ask about the Alpha, and I didn't want to tell her anything either. I was afraid that I would slip up and tell her what he was planning on doing to her.

I made sure to keep my eyes on her, for signs of her heat.
She seemed fine, but I knew that it would be a matter of time before it started.
We decided to halt our training three days before the mating ceremony, so she could fully rest.
Thinking about her mating with Zayne was like a stab to my heart, but, there was no way that I could stop it.
She ate her dinner alone, and I went out to receive some fresh air.

"Has it started?" The alpha said to me through the mind link.
"No, sir", I replied.
"It's only a short time."
"Look in the sky", he said, and I looked up.
It was a full moon, and it had a dull yellow tone.
Suddenly, I heard screaming from inside the pack house.
"Lock her in her room, and cut off her water supply", the Alpha said, and that was the last thing I heard before I flew into the house.

My Luna, The Beta's Mate Where stories live. Discover now