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"Hello, good day", I said to the elderly man.
"Hi, I'm looking for Sandra", the man spoke.
His voice had a hint of authority in it, and it made me wonder who he was.
"My mother is not around at the moment, can I help you with anything else?" I asked.
"Oh no, it's alright."
"I'll come back later", he said, and left immediately without giving his name or anything.
"That was weird", I said to myself, and went back to my reading.
I ended up falling asleep on the sofa, with the book on my lap.

A loud bang on the door awoke me, and I stood up in a flash.
The banging got louder and I went to the door to open it.
I was surprised when Simon, Ron and Caleb barged in, and they all had worried expressions.
"Luna, are you okay?" Simon asked.
"What's happening?"
"Why are you all so worried, and scared?" I asked.
"There were rogues at the border, and we traced their scent to this place."
"We were surprised when we found your scent here too."
"Did you notice anything weird?" They asked.

A rogue?
Then, the man who came was a rogue?
But, he knows my mother.
Would it be safe to tell them that a rogue came to look for my mother?
I don't think so.

"Uh, no, no one came."
"It's just me at home."
"I didn't see or hear anything", I lied.
"Well, okay, I'll inform the alpha then", Simon said, and his eyes started to be unfocused, indicating that he was communicating with Zayne.
"The Alpha wants you back home", Simon said.
"I'm not leaving until tomorrow, why does he want me to come back all of a sudden?" I asked in annoyance.
"He says he doesn't want you to be in danger, especially when the borders will be opened tomorrow."
"It's better for you to be near him, so that no one harms you", Simon added.

"Tell your Alpha that I'm not going anywhere until tomorrow!" I said, standing my ground.
"But, Luna-", Ron said, but I interrupted him.
"You all should leave."
"I'm not supposed to be around any unmated male, am I not?" I asked in spite.
"Yeah, but, you don't have that scent anymore."
"Wait, I know this smell."
"Are you pregnant?" Caleb asked.
He had been awfully quiet ever since he came, probably because the scent was familiar since Kendra just gave birth.
I blinked twice, and my cheeks started to get hot all of a sudden.
All three males then eyed me carefully, and their eyes stopped at my stomach.
I was wearing a black body con dress, so I knew that they could see the small bump that had formed.

"Caleb's right, you do smell weird."
"And, the fertile smell isn't in the air anymore, so you're safe now."
"Maybe, it's because she's pregnant!" Ron said, and Simon added.
I sighed and finally said something to them.
"Don't, don't tell Zayne."
"I'll tell him myself", I warned.
"Looks like we're gonna have another baby to deal with", Caleb said.
"Congratulations, Luna."
"Yeah, we're happy for you two", Simon said, and Ron followed.
"Thanks guys."
"Just make sure you don't tell Zayne before I do, okay?" I asked, and they nodded.
"Well, we gotta go."
"We're on patrol now, and Zayne wants us to make sure that no unsigned pack comes near our territory", Simon announced, and then, they left.

"Well, that's something new", I said to myself.
"How do I tell him I'm pregnant?"
"Ugh", I said, and went to my room upstairs.
Evening came, and I went downstairs to help my mother prepare for dinner.
"Mom, do you have any friends from other packs?" I asked as I cut the veggies.
She was preparing the potatoes when I asked, and she paused.
"Why, why do you ask?" She asked in an awkward tone.
"A man came to the house", I said and she dropped her knife.
"A..man?" She asked after she picked up the knife, and I nodded.
"Did, did he tell you his name?" She asked, and I shook my head.
"He disappeared when I told him that you weren't home", I said.

"Uhh, what did he look like?"
She asked, a bead of sweat forming on her forehead and I could hear her heart beating loudly.
"Uhh, he was old, like about forty I guess?"
"Then, he had light brown hair and a few grey ones, and when he spoke, he spoke with some sort of authority I guess?" I said.
Maybe it was because he wasn't from our pack, but my brain was not able to pick up the tone he used.
I swear, I saw my mom grip the knife so hard that her knuckles whitened, and her eyes started to shake.
"What's wrong, mom?"
I asked.
"Oh nothing, he's an old friend."
"I didn't know that he would be visiting."
"Oh my, the chicken is getting burnt", she said and hurried to the air fryer.
We didn't have the conversation anymore, and I soon forgot about it.

I packed up my stuff and went downstairs to go back to the place that I didn't want to be at, but I had to go.
"Don't make it so obvious that you don't want to be there", my mother teased.
"Thanks for being my emotional support, mom, I love you", I said to her.
"Always welcome, let's go", she said, and we went out of the house.
She drove me to the pack house before she left to go to work, and I sighed when I saw the house.
I walked to the house and Emilia welcomed me, and took my suitcase.
I took a look at the first floor and was amazed as to how the maids had decorated the entire floor.

My Luna, The Beta's Mate Where stories live. Discover now