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"It's you!"
"You're the stalker."
"You came to my room that night, and stroked my hand when I was asleep!" Paige yelled, and I opened my eyes in shock.
"You touched my daughter!" Paige's mother yelled.
"A father just wanted to see his daughter, did I do anything wrong?" Julian asked in contempt, and I was finally seeing the resemblance between he and Paige.
They had the same colour of hair and their eyes were of the same colour too, but they were direct opposites of each other.
Paige was kind, soft and intelligent. Julian however was rude, wicked and stupid.

"So, Alpha Zayne, do you understand now?"
"You are mated to the daughter of the man you hate the most!"
"I remember when your father was so disappointed in your mother, and I told him to get rid of her, because she was useless!"
"A human mate?"
"Preposterous!" Julian yelled.
"Simon!" I hollered.
"Yes, Alpha", he said.
"The party is over, accompany everyone outside, right now!"
"Except the Blood Lupis pack", I said with venom dripping out of my tone.
"I'm terribly sorry to burden you all with my family problems, and I hope you all enjoyed yourself", I said to the crowd, and Simon gestured for them to leave.

"Alpha Zayne, please, do not start a war because of this", Garrett said to me.
"I'll take care of it, thank you very much", I said.
I kept my eyes on Julian who folded his arms and stared at me.
"Mom, I don't feel so good", Paige said to her mother.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"My back hurts a lot", she said.
I was about to walk to her when Julian spoke.
"You do know that she's my daughter, right?"
"And, she has my blood flowing through her veins?"
"Can you seriously love the daughter of your father's best friend?"
"Who aided in your mother's death?"
His words made me freeze, and I could feel Dylan threatening to come out, but I tried to keep him at bay.

"You were never there for her."
"And now, you want to abandon the mate you have, just so you can come here to harass my Luna and her mother?"
"No, I will not allow it!" I yelled.
"Are you proposing a fight, Alpha Zayne?"
"Because, I and my pack members are not leaving here until I have my mate and my daughter with me", he said, and I saw that his current mate had a pained expression on her face.
"And I do not plan on giving my mate to you, not when she is expecting our child!" I yelled, causing the house walls to shake.

"You never told me that we were going to be grandparents!" He said, and Paige's mother scoffed at him.
"That's cos you're not going to be a grandfather."
"Because you have no child! She yelled, and some of Julian's pack members snarled at the tone she used.
"Simon, Ron, get the Luna and her mother out of here", I commanded.
"Don't touch them!" Julian yelled, his wolf about to come out and I smirked.
"Shall we take this to the training grounds?" I suggested, and he smirked.

"Roland!" Julian yelled, and his beta was at his side immediately.
"We'll be seeing the Alpha downstairs in a few minutes", he said, and went out of the house, and his pack members followed.
"Keep the women and children safe, this is a fight between the Alphas only", I said to Simon.
"This is a fight for our Luna too!" Nara yelled from the crowd.
"Yes, she's right!"
"We will fight for our Luna!"
"We will not let our Luna leave!"
Female wolves yelled in support of Paige, and I gave them a small smile.
"Miss Aspen, please take care of her", I said, and she nodded.
"Don't leave me, Zayne", Paige said.
"I'm not leaving my love."
"I just want to show that so-called father of yours that you're not an object that he can just toss around", I said.
"Be safe", she replied, and hugged me.
"I will", I replied.

"Nursing mothers and expectant mothers shall stay here with the Luna and her mother."
"The rest should follow us", I said, and some men hugged their mates before they all went out of the house.
Paige was now seated in a chair, and her mother went to get her some water.
I didn't want to leave her, so I went over to her and hugged her again.
"I love you, and I'm sorry", I said, and she smiled.
"I love you too, now hurry and come back to me, and our baby", she said, and put my hand on her belly.
"I will", I said, and finally left the house.
"I haven't fought in such a long time", Simon said as we walked to the training field.
"Yeah, me too", Caleb said.
"Let's show this dick headed Alpha who's boss", I said to my men, and we smiled as we finally reached the field.

The Blood Lupis pack was assembled at the right side of the field and there were many in numbers, but I didn't let it bother me.
"Alpha Zayne", Garrett said from beside me.
"You're still here?" I asked.
He was with his mate, Lola and Alpha Eric alongside Luna Anna.
"We won't let you fight alone."
"All of us know how wicked and disgusting that bastard is, so, we will fight beside you", he said.
"We too", Eric said.
"Thank you all", I said.
We all positioned ourselves opposite the Blood Lupis pack, and Julian was in the middle, staring at me with hateful eyes.
"It's a pity we all have to rip off such beautiful attires", Julian said.
"Don't worry, I promise to use your fur for a really nice coat", I said, and he growled.

"Ready, Dylan?" I asked.
"I was born ready!"
"Let's kick some mothafucking ass tonight!" Dylan said, and that was the last thing I heard before I shifted and lunged for the wicked Alpha.

My Luna, The Beta's Mate Where stories live. Discover now