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Author's POV

"Mom, why didn't you tell me that my father was an Alpha?"
"And, why is he back, after all these years?"
"That man who came to the house the other day is his Beta, right?"
"What do they want?"
Paige asked her mother, who became silent.
"I didn't tell you the whole story."
"Yes, he's your father, and he's only here to take you because his current Luna cannot give birth."
"When we were together, I noticed that he wasn't a good person."
"He over used his authority and he was always with the former Alpha, and they derived pleasure from wicked things."
"I saw how the former Luna was being treated, and I didn't want to be treated that way."
"Instead of being a nameless Luna, I chose to stay, and he was upset with it, but he said he couldn't let himself be wavered by a useless thing such as a mate, and then he left, when I was pregnant with you."

"I didn't want you to grow up with such a father, so I lied to his Beta that I didn't have the baby, but I don't know how he found out about you."
"The witches must be helping them."
"There's no way all of this could happen without their help."
"And, we have to make sure that Zayne wins the fight", my mother said.
"I'm scared, mom."
"I don't want to leave this pack", Paige said.
"Don't worry, he won't get to us", Sandra said.
Suddenly, Paige's mother started to breathe heavily, as if she was being strangled.
"Mom, what's wrong?" Paige asked.

"AHH!" Sandra cried out, and held her arm.
Paige looked at her mother's arm and saw that there were claw marks on them, and they were bleeding.
"What's happening?" Kendra asked.
"I don't know, she's in pain", Paige said in worry.
"This, is his doing."
"He must have used magic to make sure I feel whatever pain he feels."
"We are still mates, so I think he manipulated the bond between us", Sandra said in a painful voice.
"We, we need Zayne to back down!"
"Or else, my mother will die if Zayne kills him!" Paige yelled, gaining the attention of all the females in the room.

"Julian must die, or else you will be in danger!"
"Zayne must continue", Sandra said, and her words were followed by a piercing scream as bite marks appeared on her leg.
"I have to go", Paige said, but Kendra held her.
"And do what?" Kendra yelled.
"I have to stop them!" She yelled back at Kendra.
"Zayne's not gonna stop, and you cannot go there, or your baby's life will be in danger!" Kendra warned.
"Paige, don't go", Sandra said in pains.
"I can't watch you die, mom", Paige said in tears.

(The night before)
"I have a feeling that Alpha Zayne will not easily give them away, Alpha."
"What do we do if he doesn't agree?" Roland asked Julian as he was sitting in his office.
"Don't worry, I already visited Gemma yesterday."
"She put the mirror spell on me", Julian said to his beta.
"Mirror spell?"
"That means..", Roland said, and Julian finished his sentence for him.
"That if Zayne hurts me, he's also hurting Sandra."
"And my dear Paige wouldn't like to see her mother in pain, now would she?"
"No, she won't", Roland said.
"But, you know Sandra."
"She's very persistent and stubborn", Roland said.
"Tell me about it."
"She's the most obstinate woman I've ever met."
"If only she wasn't so keen on staying in Damon's pack that time, she would have made a very strong Luna."
"But, she decided to stay, and Damon eventually died in his son's hands."
"What an interesting pack", Julian commented.

"Father, Julian used dark magic to resurrect the bond between him and Sandra!"
"If Zayne kills him, she'll die as well!" Julia said to her father who was also watching what was happening.
"Don't interfere, Julia."
"Let them solve it by themselves", Ethan said.
"But father", she said, but he interrupted her.
"No buts, Julia!"
"Now, leave or else I will evict you from the match!" Ethan yelled.
"What's the point of this match, if I cannot save the ones who I'm to rule?"
"I can never be a goddess if I turn a blind eye to what is happening to my subjects", Julia cried out.

"Are you not the moon king, father?"
"Why can you not save your creations?"
"Do you want them to continue in their evil ways?" Julia said, and Ethan grew furious.
"Do not question my decision, Julia, or I will forget that you sre my daughter and I will have you banished!" He yelled, and his voice echoed the whole palace.
"Guards, excuse Princess Julian out of the throne room", Ethan said, and Julia began to cry.
"Don't touch me", Julia warned and walked out on her own.
Julia yelled from her sister's door.
"I'm coming", Janelle said, and as soon as she opened the door, Julia flew in.

"What's wrong?" Janelle asked in a sleepy voice.
"You're sleeping at a time like this?"
"Zayne is about to kill Paige's parents!" Julia yelled, taking away every sleep in Janelle's eyes.
"I just take a five hour nap, and Zayne's about to kill who?" Janelle screamed.
"It's complicated."
"But, you're the only one who can save them now, if I leave again, father will banish me for sure."
"Go now, the eclipse is over, so you're allowed to go", Julia said.
"Okay, I'll save them, I promise", Janelle said with conviction.

"And, where the hell is Adrian by the way?" Julia asked.
"Zayne dismissed him, and I think he's wandering around somewhere."
"Ugh, I'm gonna kill the fucking bastard when I see him!" Janelle said.
"Go to him first, and get him to go to Zayne."
"But, there's something you should know", Julia said.
"What?" Janelle asked.
"Father showed me Adrian's future."
"He's destined to become an Alpha", Julia said, and Janelle's eyes opened in shock.
"So, does that mean...?" Janelle asked, but didn't finish her sentence.
"You have to go, now!"
"Whatever happens, just let it happen."
"But, not without you doing your best!" Julia said, and Janelle nodded.
"Please don't die, Zayne", Julia thought.

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