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Our pack colours were dark blue and silver, so, all the props were in those colours.
There were beautifully designed ribbons and other decor, and chairs had been arranged.
There was a large table filled with varieties of food and drinks, and my mouth watered when I saw it.
A maid saw me and quickly came to my side, telling me that I wasn't supposed to be here until noon.
The eclipse was started by two in the afternoon, so, packs were expected to arrive before it happened.

I went to my old room and a dress was already set out for me.
It was a blue silk dress that reached my knees and I also got silver heels to go with it.
I sighed at the dress because it clung to my skin, revealing my baby bump that had grown a little bit bigger.
"It doesn't matter, he'll find out either way", I said to my reflection.
Maids were too busy with work, so I had to dress myself up and I really didn't feel like wearing any makeup today.
I needed to, however, because I had some really bad acne on my face, that was as a result of my baby, according to the book my mother gave me.

I sat on my bed after I finished up, and my back was hurting a bit.
Then, I heard the sounds of many cars from downstairs, and I knew our guests were arriving.
I went to the window and saw that our training grounds were filled with luxurious cars of different sizes. There were trailers and also large buses to accommodate most of the members of each pack, and I noticed that the people coming towards the house were dressed in particular shades of colours, probably wearing their pack's signature colour.

Some of the people coming were wearing yellow, orange, red, black and even white.
I liked how unique each person looked and I continued to look at them, but a maid knocked in and told me that it was time to go downstairs to welcome the guests.

Author's POV

"I did not expect you to disobey my laws and go down to disrupt everything, Julia", King Ethan said to his daughter from his throne.
"I do not regret it father."
"I know I disobeyed you, but I had to help Paige, and I know what I did was right", Julia said to her father.
"You do know the price Adrian paid for your sister's offence, right?" He asked, and she nodded.
"Very well then, you shall get your own punishment, but it will be worse than hers", he said, and Julia gulped.

Ethan stood up, and paced back and forth, and then glanced at his daughter whose head was down as he spoke.
"Look in the mirror of the future", he said, gesturing to the large mirror that was beside his throne.
Julia looked at it, and it started to show her images of the future.
Adrian's future.
There, Adrian was seated at a chair in a court room, and Paige called him Alpha.
Not only Paige, but Simon, Ron and Caleb.
But, Zayne wasn't anywhere in sight.
The images then disappeared and Julia opened her eyes in shock.

"An Alpha?"
"How is that possible, father?" She asked in a breath.
"Adrian's future changed the minute your sister chose him to be Paige's second mate."
"That was just a glimpse of his life, a few days from today."
"He will get his wolf today, since it is an eclipse, and today will be an eye opener to all the members present at the River Moon pack", Ethan said.
"But, father."
"If, Adrian is an alpha...then..does that mean...he..killed Zayne?" She stuttered.

"That is left for you to find out."
"And that is your punishment."
"You will sit here and watch how these three wolves will mould their destiny, and you must not interfere!"
"Your sister is going to see Adrian today, and you are not allowed to leave the heavens and go down to earth."
"Not until you see the vision you saw come to life", Ethan said.
"If I do not do something, Zayne will die!" Julia said.
"You cannot stop it either way."
"It is Adrian's destiny, and you will not interfere with what I have planned", Ethan said.
"Now, go to your room until I call for you."
"And, no meeting with Zayne, or else, you can forget about this match", Ethan warned.

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