Chapter 2

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Lily dashed to her room like a squirrel emerging 15 minutes later with a dark blue top and a pair of jeans.

'Put some makeup on, darling' Zara suggested as she proceeded to the dining room where they were sitting talking to her dad. 'Ugh.. Zara you know I don't like makeup' Lily told her for the hundredth time. 'Okay people, let's get going' Chris said and they all unceremoniously went to sit in his car.

His car was the best ever. A Toyota Fortuner. He had been dying to buy it.

He kept babbling about its horsepower and every other thing.
This year he got it on his birthday.

The look on his face, unforgettable.

Zara sat in the front quickly checking her dress and tying a bandana over her hair. 'What's that for?', Lily asked. 'The wind is going to disrupt my hair!', said Zara.

Chris cheerfully pulled her bandana out, laughing while also making Zara irritated, even though she was quite used to it now.

Lily sat at the back while he handled the steering. They raced against the wind into the night .

They reached the place quite early.

The ladies sat at the their usual place on the big mountain while Chris, being a gentleman, went and  brought  drinks.
'So' said Chris chugging half his beer. 'So' said Zara and Lily together. 'What's going on guys? How dumb are you.  I meant what's going on in your beautiful lives...' Chris said amusingly.

'I've started dating Gale', Zara replied. She was blushing so hard it almost made him laugh.

'But he's so skinny' Lily said. She hated Gale because he made fun of her when they were in 5th grade.

'But I have a thing for skinny guys' Zara complained.

'Okay. Okay. Chill gurl.' Chris handled the situation.

'So' he said turning to Lily now. 'What's up with you single lady?'. He gave one of his signature smirks to which Lily laughed back, took a sip from her fruit beer and replied nonchalantly.

'Nothing much. You know I don't have a boyfriend'.

'But' he said immediately. 'You used to... Remember Shane?'

'Oh god, it's been so long! And he wasn't even a boyfriend. Just a crush and that too in 7th grade'.

Shane was Lily's last crush. He was really awesome. Dark brown eyes and an inch above her height and the perfect singer. His hands were always in his hair, she hated that so much which gave him the reason to do it even more. They were so similar and when they ended up bench mates, those were the best years of her life. After her mother had passed away,it took Lily a lot of time to recover from the shock. Shane taught her how to live life to the fullest, he taught her how to be carefree and chill out sometimes. He brought back the smile on her face and somehow that was everything. But, in eighth grade he turned into one of the wannabes, popular and a playboy. Zara and Lily both tried to make him reason that he was losing what he was but he won't listen. Shane and Lily finally got shuffled into different classes and barely talked, he didn't seem to acknowledge her as they passed the corridor and so did she.

Chris and Zara gave hearty laughs and high fived.

'Oh god' said Chris clenching his stomach, teary eyed with all the laughing. 'You get so annoyed every single time. I love it!'

'Hey, isn't your birthday around the corner Lilz? 'said Zara trying to change the subject.

She knew Lily' s temper as well as the fact that the only job Chris had in this whole wide world was to irritate the shit out of them.

'Oh yeah!' replied Lily her eyes gleaming.

She loved birthdays. It was the only thing that reminded of her mother these days. Sarah used to decorate the house at night with balloons and big banners with vibrant colors, just the way she liked. Then she used to proceed to keep the gifts and cards she and Tom had prepared in the week at the table near the kitchen. And then came the herculean task to make a chocolate raspberry cake,Lily's all time favourite. Lily still remembers clearly, when she used to get up and her mom used to be standing there. Sarah used to scream and sing the whole HAPPY BIRTHDAY song while she used to cut the cake which was shortly afterwards brought by Tom. These memories were crystal clear in her mind as if it was just yesterday.

'What are you guys getting me?' she asked, getting back to reality but still overly excited.

'Haven't decided' both of them shook their heads but immediately started grinning and sending each other knowing looks. Lily knew something was up but knew better than to ask these two buffoons.

'The stars are out', exclaimed Zara like Olauf.

It was wonderful. The sky was black and the stars shining with the Moon giving them a hand at it.

'Wow. So beautiful' said Zara.

Chris stole a look at her, Lily caught him staring at her best friend so he changed the subject, 'Okay guys time to go or all our dad's are gonna eat off our heads. It's already late.' he said getting up and giving the two ladies a hand.

They jumped back on his Fortuner ready for another race with the dark dark night.
My first attempt at writing a wattpad story. Hope you guys like it!! Votes and comments are accepted with open arms. Happy reading!

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