Chapter 31

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'Where were you guys?', said Lily, visibly worried for her two best friends who had mysteriously wandered away in the dark of the night.
The music had died down and the people were making their way to the food stalls, hungry and sleepy yet not stopping for more fun.
Zara and Chris had come back from there evening beach tour to join the guys for food.
Chris started laughing, 'Sorry, for not letting you know Lilz, we just got real bored of this shit so we were taking a walk. How about you?'
Lily breathed, 'Ahh, nothing much, I taught Shane how to dance. Three cheers for me!'
'Nah, I'm good', they replied together.
Lily couldn't care less, atleast her friends hadn't been kidnapped by zombies.
They walked over to the food stall, grabbing a plate each.
'Can't sleep?', said Anna Benson.
Lily had hopped out of her tent, her eyes just weren't planning to close so soon. Her heads were clogged by just one person, Shane.
That guy came like a whirlwind, turned her world upside down and it still remained pretty.
That guy made the her life a pretty picture. And now the tornado returns.
Lily didn't know what he was gonna do this time. She had been mumbling to herself, either to keep herself sane or to just keep track of the events in the last hours.
1. Lily Young was 18.
2. She came on this trip because of her best friends.
3. She did not like surprises.
4. He was one of those, gift wrapped in neon pink glossy paper.
5. Shane Killean was still the love of her life.
6. He doesn't know how to dance.
7. And he doesn't know how to lie.
8. Amie is French for friend.
9. Her favourite color was black and his was blue.
10. Shane Killean was not going to destroy her this time around, she can do the job alone.
This was her list, pretty impressive huh?
She couldn't think properly. All she knew that she hadn't been forgotten. He remembered the times they had together and she wasn't just "one of those friends I had in 8th grade". She was her amie.
She was happy for the fact that he had the guts to relive those memories even though he left her.
Coffee didn't help and so did the book she had brought with herself, especially for times like these. You can never get a coffee large enough or a book long enough to suit Lily Young.
The only option left was get out. She couldn't think a thing in the same place where his breathing was audible.
Anna Benson, met her, apparently she wasn't asleep as well. Anna was great friend of Jade. She and Lily had spoken a few times cuz they were at the same House in school.
'Hey Anna! You too?', Lily asked stepping out of her tent. She joined Anna on her carpet,beside her tent, under the moonlight.
She had been sketching something  that night. She was real good at art, like seriously. She was like a bag of talents. She sang well, she debated well. She was super cool at studies. She had her life set.
That's what Lily thought. She was wrong.
Anna's life was pretty messed up too, but that's a story for another time. Tomorrow?
'Ah. Not really. I was painting a picture, and then I couldn't right colors for the damned yesterday', she said, angrily.
'You and your artistic creations, I really loved them yknow. What did you make this time?', asked Lily, interested.
Anna Benson had the power to make people remain captivated in her art, she was that good. She could make pictures alive with the stroke of her hand. A paint brush was always stuck in her bun, and a tune always played on her lips, a book in her hand and a sarcastic remark pictured her altogether. The perfect female Picasso. Maybe even better.
'It's Jade's brother, Shane. I don't know if you know him', she said.
'I know him a little too well', she mumbled.
'Umm, what?', asked Anna.
'Oh, nothing. You were saying?', she said, shaking her head. Dumb Lily.
'Yeah, the painting is of Shane, and this girl sitting next to him today. Didn't see her face. You wanna see?'
Lily always loved it when Anna would show her paintings to her.
She took it out, spilling her brushes and a lil bit of paint. As she went to pick them up, Lily turned to see the painting.
The painting had her and Shane, smiling ear to ear. It was from the time they were sitting together a while ago in front of the bonfire, laughing at the funny incidents people were sharing. It didn't show her face too much, light from the fire fell on it which hid it from Anna's view. It was so pretty. Lily stared at it for a while.
'Anna this is so pretty. Wow. Can I keep it?', said Lily, completely spellbound.
Anna laughed, 'Okay, it's funny how I don't hear the occasional,"Anna there's too much green" or "Anna why is your brush so dumb man, there should be a stroke here". You sure you aren't feverish?'
Lily gave this I'm-so-unimpressed-by-your-little-not-so-funny-joke which made Anna laugh again.
They sat for a while under the stars, analysing their existence for some time, then they moved on to world history, how subjects at school bored the shit out of children and finally landing on  the French Revolution. Everyone gets random whilst talking to Miss Young.
Anna yawned, 'I'll get going, need to get up a little early tomorrow morning. Thanks for the chat Lilz. I felt so good talking to you after so much time.'
'Anytime my friend. And continue that art of yours. It's cool. Good night', Lily said, hugging her.
As they were just about to part ways Anna turned around, 'Oi Lily!'
'I ship Shaley', a grin danced on her face.
No point in mentioning that comment earned a groan from Lily's side.
'You too?!'
New Update! Yeah I can hear you say "finally man. I was waiting for it".
I had no inspiration for the past one week or so. And I'm very lazy. Hehe.
This one's for AlexHari. This guy is such an awesome person. Hope you like this chapter woman. Remember?
So, a gift from my side to all you lovely people. Have fun and ofc,
Happy Reading ;D

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