Don't Read This

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If you really read this, you're a rebel. I like you.

Also, you probably like me or my book because you read this, which is awesome so I like you more.

I give you...... A fictional cookie!!!

Open your window, it's coming right atchya fella.

Kidding ;p

This was actually supposed to be an author note but I don't want people to read it because I would be in tears by the end of it and I just had cookies and tea.

Also, you might ask, Dude, an author note at the end of the book?

And I shall clear my throat and calmly say, "I'm a rebel too"

I can see people doing the three finger thingy of Hunger Games.

(picture above for dumb people, no offence)

Anyway, where were we?

This book has ended, like actually. Yeah, there might be Epilogues and bonus chapters (don't get excited and jump on the bed little squirrels), but it won't be the same as writing a chapter.

My first project at the age of 14 means a lot. It's not published or anything but it's there and I'm happy. People have read it, people have smiled and that made me smile more than ever.

I've always believed that inspiring people is the best thing in the world, sadly something I don't do much of. And when I see people so happy after reading my book, I'm so so happy.

(Tear falls, oh no)

But there's always been people standing with me, inspiring me too. And this one's for them.

GrangerGirlEverdeen, HI BEST FRIEND! Yeah, I still remember that day, sitting in my class, the idea of this book being so raw in my mind and you believed in my potential and pushed me just enough to post it here. Thanks, thankyou so much for believing in me. Love you, to infinity and beyond.

bibliophile1759, hey hey hey. You legit jumped when I told you I was writing a book and all. And we were in the middle of an assembly. I love you so much J, muah muah. Thanks for being happy and making me too.

Yashvardhan05, hello Mr. Idiot of the First Order. How you doin'? Kidding dude. You're the best, I love you so much. Thanks for always poking me in the bus to update, every morning and afternoon. Thanks for spamming my WhatsApp to update too. Oh also, thanks for eating my head up in the middle of the corridor to... Update! (yeah, basically you loved my updates more than me, waaaaaaa)

Hugrahahoon,i don't see you anymore. You're the best critic ever man!!! Thanks for your valuable criticism which helped my book to thrive among readers. #yourule.

Halfbloodfourtris, you're one of my first reader and I loooovvveeee you for that. I still remember my friend sending you that paragraph of chapter 1 and you loved it. Thanks for the motivation. If you hadn't liked it, I wouldn't have known its good. Thaaaannnnxxxx.

voicesattheocean, hey beautiful! God, you're smile is the only thing I need in the morning to make me light up inside. Thanks for coming up with such amazing death threats because I didn't update. And thanks for that gorgeous smile, Love you loads.

Mollzie_Valdez, mollie (poking her), mollie, Mollie!, MOLLIE!!
What is it dude? (she's screaming now,)
I LOOOOVVVEEEE YAAAAA!!!! (me giggling)
Okay this is a piece of my conversation with my best sister in the world, who loves me (I hope). Thanks for always listening to my shit. I LOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVEEEEE YAAA!!! (I can see a punch flying through the air this very minute)

CourtyCox, HI, I still remember your awesome comments dude, thanks so much for them. I love you too. Keep ruling life like you do.

AnviVijh, met you twice in my life and I feel so bad about this yknow? Thanks for loving my book like I do, and thanks for handling my crazy side for those 48 hours. Love ya!!

Ritvick, you made my book bloom, if you know what I mean. Thanks for the criticism, and for all the confusion in class about my book. The chat on the group still makes me laugh. Love you, a lil bit, not so much. Hehe.

AlexHari, Heyyyyy!!! You literally read my book in half a day and told me it's so awesome. Thanks for that.

bibliophile_7, you were one of the best, true to heart shipper of #chrizara. Thanks pirate for irritating them, always. Lovvvee you!!

thecrazytrippyhippie, Thanks for the inside joke! #Bosta!

phoenixheart28, you cried at my book, wow. Thanks, for crying? No, doesn't seem right... Anyway, I love you so much!!!

saturatedsunrise13, teasing you was has and always will be the most fun ever. Thanks for all those amazing moments we've had hon, muah muah!!

Azathoth66, this guy, Gosh, dude, you rule like no other. Thanks for all the times I've whined to you about life and you've been there for me and said it's gonna be okay.  Oh, thanks for the tiffin too:D

Benjamin125, MA HOMIE!!!! You da best!! Ever!! We've been in the same class since nursery and I never get bored of you. Thanks for trusting me man. You rock!!

AditiDureha, Ayyyyyy!!!! You're one of my favourite people in the world!! Thanks for all the amazing jokes you crack during choir. They crack me up so much, it's awesome. I love you to the moon and back. Congratulations, again. You deserve it. #queeennnn

shauvik2002, you are an idiot and you know it. I don't get why you absolutely have to go okay?! Whatever. Thanks for all the wonderful times we've had. Thanks for the random photos. I love you (not) (kidding)

Darkestlies19, heyyyy!!!! Thanks for all the votes and comments. I swear you're on of the most sweetest creatures alive. Love you!!

aquastrike, thanks for the amazing times in the bus. You're truly awesome.

A special thanks to samridhi_shukla7, arshyaasuhag, anooshadhingra123, SaikiaSpecial and KumudTheUnitato....
You're writings inspired me. You guys are awesome.

So, here we are.

At the end.

No roads ahead, just turning points.

I wonder which one would I take.

Help me sail through them, because I don't like flying.

Especially when it's windy.


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