Chapter 23

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Zara came into the room, her tear stained face defining her hours of mourning. But for what? Million dollar question.
She sat beside the already sleeping figures of Chris and Lily. She looked at them and she smiled silently before tucking herself under the covers too. They fell asleep, not caring about the tomorrow which would be a today, soon.
It was 9 in the morning now. Lily woke up, one of her legs hanging down the bed and her right hand on Zara's face. She composed herself before getting up to make a hot cup of tea.
She was surprised to find Chris already awake, making some for himself.
'Bonjour Mademoiselle. Would you like something with your tea this morning', he mimicked a waitress.
'Nothing much. Just a bit of milk and a dash of sugar. If you please?', Lily added, all ladylike.
'Of course madam'.
As there little show was over, Lily received a text from Sam.
Morning Lilz. Hope you had a good sleep. Are you free at 5? Something great planned for us. XO
Lily got so excited she immediately decided to text back.
Morning Sam. Sure I'll be there. Had an amazing sleep and sweet dreams about you. Meet you at 5 then. <3.
Lily smiled at their conversation, even though short lived.
'Messaging your boyfriend huh?', Zara said so suddenly, Lily jumped out of her skin.
'Hey, how are you feeling now?'
'Oh. I'm fine. I was just too overwhelmed yesterday by Chris and Saman....Hi Chris! Congratulations on your girlfriend. Treat her like a princess, yeah?'
Chris entered the room carrying two plates of food. He put them down and hugged Zara. 'Thanks man! I feel so lucky to have her. She's so amazing'
'Of course she is!', said Zara biting into her sandwich.
Lily had forgotten about telling Chris about Sam.
'Oh. Almost forgot to tell you. Sam and me are in a relationship'
Chris was eating a perfectly well made chicken sandwich and after hearing this, needless to say, chunks of that beautiful thing went swirling around the room. Disgusting.
There were some calming down of emotions before Lily told him her story.
Chris listened to her intently. After she was done, she inhaled and said, 'What do you think?'.
Chris said, 'I know he's a great guy and stuff but you need to keep in mind the "big incident". Proceed at your own risk'
But Lily had already made up her mind. She was going to give this relationship one chance. How she hoped Sam won't let her down.
It was 5. Lily was already ready. She wore a beautiful purple dress and black boots. She let her straight hair flow down her back and carried a rubberband, just in case.
She moved out of the bathroom.
'Stunning.',said Zara smiling ear to ear.
'Okay. Get going now. You're gonna be late then', Chris said
'I'm a bit nervous. What if a do something wrong? What if I offend him? What if I drop water? What if..'
'What if you just shut up cuz you're gonna be great and stop fretting single lady?!', Chris half screamed. Then he gave her a pat on the back and said, 'Go for it.'
She smiled and rushed to the lift. Ting! It opened revealing itself to be empty. She pressed the button to the lobby. The lift went down, slowly.
She reached the lobby three minutes later to find Sam.
And hugging her was Chris' amazing girlfriend Samantha.
Cha - ching! New update. Hope you like this one too (Please please). This one's for CourtyCox. Love you lots. Thanks for making me feel amazing by those comments. I owe you one.
I'm so ecstatic guys. I have like more than 500+ views on my story which I never ever expected. So hugs and kisses and ofc.
Happy Reading :D

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