Chapter 29

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It was almost eight. Lily, Chris, Zara and Shane went up to their rooms and shoved the necessities into a beach bag, changed into something comfortable, shades on, a lil bit makeup for the girls and they were ready to have a blast at the camp. They met at the lift again, this time accompanied with Jade. She was wearing a flowy peach dress with a really cool hat. She was carrying a pink bag with herself and a pair of sunglasses hanging from the side.
'Hello guys, if I'm not wrong, you're all going to that camp out right?', she asked, having a certain excitement to her voice.
'Hell yeah! It's gonna be so cool. Can't wait.',said Zara.
They reached the lobby, and over to the receptionist, this time it was Vera.
'Goodevening, how may I help you?', she said, looking up from her paperwork.
'Hi, could you tell us the venue and our tents for the Camp Out?',Lily said.
'Hey just wait a minute, may I please get your registered names?'
'It's Christian Rodgers with Zara Ryder, Lily Young and Shane Killean', he said, all authoritative and stuff.
She typed down all the names, 'Ah yes sir, you are tent number 4, it would probably be located at the right of the born fire, not a long walk. And ma'am?'
Jade looked up from her phone, apparently she was texting somebody.
'Yeah, it's Jade Killean, Lisa Brown, Nelina John and Samantha Chase', she said.
Chris looked up as soon as she said Samantha Chase and then looked away, a saddened expression taking over his face.
Zara squeezed his shoulder in comfort, 'Hey, it's fine. She is nothing compared to you. Wait, till you walk the beach man, girls will be falling at your feet'.
That made him laugh. Lily smiled, she couldn't afford to see her best friends in pain.
After Jade collected all her details, she went to talk to her friends, they were waiting in the lobby.
Meanwhile, the trio with Shane went to the venue, the sun was setting at that time and the beach looked stunning with golden sand and the blue sea, in waves to and fro.
They made their way toward the camp site, teens were actually flooding the place, there was a huge dj, a buffet table loaded  food, and on one quiet area were all the tents.
They made way to there's and dumped all their bags in it, everything was set, there were little camp beds, and outside the tent was a small table with small stools around it.
They went out to see everyone sitting around the born fire and took their places too. A guy in the middle probably the one hosting the games was speaking, 'Welcome, so the first game of the night, I have this huge bowl with all your names, the name I call out has to narrate one special incident in their life. Are you ready??'
There was a loud of chorus of YEAH!!! after which he put his hand in and took out the chit.
'And..... The first person is Veronica Taylor'
A pretty girl with blonde hair got up. She narrated the incident of her first kiss, looking at her boyfriend. After she sat down they had a 10 seconds make out session.
'God these guys are gross', whispered Zara.
'I was just about to say that', agreed Lily.
'Umm... Okay... So, the next person is...... Sam Williams'
Lily choked on her own spit, he didn't get up, his arms locked around Samantha.
He narrated the incident of hiw his mother fell in love with his step dad. It was really sweet, some girls even started crying and everything.
'Congrats to your mom man. So, let's see who the next one is.....hmm....Jade Killean'
She got up and thought for a while. Then she proceeded to speak about how she used to have a crush on this guy but they stopped talking due to some rumours and shiz, and then she found out he liked her back. That was her first boyfriend.
'Aww. That's cute', said Lily. She'd always liked Jade. Even though she seemed a really simple person, she had a complex personality. She was so loving and caring but the moment you insult her or her friends, she'll become a baddest ass on the planet.
'Up next we have... Oh thats a first... Jade's brother.... Shane Killean'
Shane got up, his arm brushing against Lily's sending shivers down her body.
Shane smiled at her before speaking, 'It was eighth grade and I had this really really special friend. She was so amazing but she wasn't exactly the chilled out chic. She would take her studies very seriously and stuff. So one day I asked her to bunk school, she immediately shook her head. I said its gonna be fun, and after loads of persuasion and an ice cream, she agreed. So the next morning, we both went to the mall, spent our time in the kids section, had a million burgers and... Yeah... That was the time of my life'
He sat down, and Lily was crying. She was the friend, he called her special, he remembered the mall, he remembered her, he hadn't forgotten.
He sat down, and looked at Lily but his grin changed into a serious one, 'Hey, are you okay? Did I do something wrong? Lil..'
But he couldn't continue, Lily wrapped her arms around him, crying into his shoulder.
'Hey, chill Lilz, it's all okay, I'm here, it's fine'.
'Thanks', came her muffled voice.
'Thanks for those memories', she smiled.
Another one up. I have my last exam tomorrow and I'm so gonna fail. But finally the long long wait would be  over and I will officially go into hibernation, waking up only to write this wonderful book. This one's for phoenixheart28. Love you!! As always,
Happy Reading ;D

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