Chapter 19

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Lily finally lay up her hands in defeat, blushing a little. Chris and Zara would not stop jabbing their finger in her shoulder, in other words poking her. And she doesn't like to get poked, like at all. You didn't know that, did you?
'Okay, okay, fine I'm telling you', she said. 'But you guys will laugh!', she complained.
Chris held a smug look while Zara reasoned with her, 'Of course we will. That's what friends are for'
Wow. Wow. Wow.
Lily shrugged,'Fine, Sam asked me out to a movie'.
This time they both sat up. They looked at each other but they didn't laugh, nope, not this time. You could see fear on their faces, maybe even concern.
'Dude, are you forgetting the "big incident" or what?', said Zara.
'No, I'm not forgetting it Zara. I'm forgiving it. I'm forgiving him. Life is all about second chances. Why shouldn't I give him one?'
Very good point.
'Okay, if you're sure', said Zara with uncertainty.
Lily hugged her. 'Listen it's gonna be fine. Also I'll message you if something happens, yeah?'
'Of course'
Chris looked at them and proceeded to say in a high pitched girly voice, 'Really guys, if you're done with all this. Let's go shopping!'
Lily and Zara laughed a lot before they changed into some shorts and a tee. They went down and grabbed a cab. Needless to mention, they were singing in loud yet very melodious voices to Uptown Funk making the driver go nuts.

'Can we get a break. I'm really tired',Chris said.
Lily and Zara were in Forever 21, shopping like excited teenagers. Well, that's what they were.
Lily had tried a number of outfits, Zara kept choosing them or criticising them. And as for Chris, he sat on a couch sulking, or complaining.
Lily had finally chosen a black dress with a pair of sneakers to go with it. Zara wanted her to wear a pair of heels but.....
'Nope nope. Not happening. Sneakers are so much more comfortable', Lily said.
Lily paid for her stuff, and they proceeded for lunch. They were looking around when they spotted Jade with one of her friends. They stopped their cab, paid and went after them.
'Hey Jade!', Zara called. Jade stopped and looked around. Whoa, Jade's friend looked even hotter close up. Her hair flowed down her back till her waist, perfectly complementing her petite figure. She had twinkling blue eyes and she smiled ear to ear, looking effortlessly beautiful.
'And who may this be?', Chris smirked, Lily could clearly see that even he was awed by her beauty.
Jade laughed. 'Meet my best friend Samantha Chase. These guys were my friends in school', pointing to the trio. Samantha nodded her head and shook hands with them. 'Pleasure'.
'Would you mind joining us for lunch?', Chris asked, fingers crossed.
'Sure sure. Jade and me were going to this amazing restaurant we spotted yesterday. Come on'
They walked a little farther into the street, before reaching a little cozy shack. Small paper lanterns hung from the roof, a band of four was playing slow music. Not a big number of people were there but it had its own sense of peace to it.
They took to a table for five. They gathered that Samantha was in the same college as Jade, specialising in fashion technology.
Samantha was very open minded and took them no time to become good friends.
Lily checked her watch. 6:56. Great.
'Oh shoot. Im gonna be so late for the date. Wait, that rhymed. Whatever. Bye guys. Luv ya. Luv ya. Luv ya'
She hugged all of them and ran for the hotel, only a metre away from where they were. She ran straight to the lobby washrooms to put on the dress.
'Zara has the perfect style sense. Bless her. Fits perfectly'
She tied her hair up in a messy bun, she didn't have much time so she put on some eye liner, tied the laces and was done done done.
She went outside all neat and composed, and found Sam standing in the lobby, patiently waiting with a Vogue.
'When did he convert from Harry Potter to Vogue?',she muttered to herself.
She quickly slid past to the receptionist.
Handed her the keys and the packets.
'Yes', Lily said, swinging her head around to face the receptionist.
'Good luck!', she chirped
She smiled before turning her feet to his direction. She was a bit nervous. As she approached him he got up, eyes wide.
'You look gorgeous Lily Young'

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