Chapter 39

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Zara's heart skipped a beat as Chris effectively announced about reciting a poem. She couldn't believe it was for her. Maybe she's over thinking... She over thinks too much.

He took in a breath, he was used to performing on stage, but today was something completely different. He had this weird feeling in the pit of his stomach and he wished it would go away. He still had that fear of what might come of it but his life motto remained the same.

'Give your best Chris', he reminded himself. And saying this he started, his eyes filled with love and his body simultaneously moving to the flow of the words with emotions unknown

'For you

Come walk with me,
Tell me another story about your pet dog
Just talk to me.
Keep doing that because that comforts me
You do
Your beautiful self just keeps getting better everyday. Give me that power. Give me the honor of joining you in your adventure.
Take me along.
Talk to me. Just keep on talking to me.

It's been fourteen years since I've known you.
So basically I've heard everything there is to hear
Everything there is to know about you.
But, you know what?
Tell me again.
Cause you are a damn exception
Just talk to me Zara. Because you make me happy.
Help me
Let me convert my dreams into a reality
Dreams which show you and me together
But not your dog, if that's fine;)

Did I mention you being beautiful or did I miss that out
Cause if I did then forgive me, because as many times I say that, it's less.
For you at least it is. If you take my hand from today. I promise you. I will hand you the rest of the world in the other.
Sudden realization that that's just not possible. Because you make up most of it.
So what I am basically saying is that
I love you.
And nothing and no one can change that fact
And as cheesy as this may sound.
It's the truth.
So do me a favour.
Hold my hand.
Lets walk off the earth's crust.
Cause you're just too good for this world.
Let me build you another one.
Which consists of perfection.
Basically. You.
So I ask again.
Will you take my hand?
Experience with me?
Love me. Like I can love you.
To no extent. '

He exhaled. And he waited.

Silence, experienced like none before. Silence.

Then suddenly, Zara walks up the stage, tears in her eyes because she never could have believed this was for her. She just couldn't believe if all those words, all those emotions were for her. She went over to Chris and what she did surprised her more.

She kissed him. And he kissed her back. Somehow they knew the moment was there, there's to make magic. And the shouts of the people were unheard to their ears as love enveloped their souls. He joined her in her adventure and so did she. They made their own adventure, they made magic, they made magic in the moment.

They broke off, grinning and Chris hugged her. And then they laughed. So unexpected right? But so like them. The crowd went wild, congratulating them as they walked down the stage, hand in hand, grinning at each other.

Zara was still crying and she could spot a tear or two in Chris' cheek too which was pretty rare. Throwing out all your emotions in one night can be pretty crazy.

They made their way from the entrance to the little garden beside the swimming pool. They sat down on the grass, legs crossed and Zara realized how she was still holding on to his coat and how it was three sizes big for her. She felt protected, she always felt comforted with him.

'Wow, okay, Whoa, I seriously don't know what to say and I'm guessing that you have a lot to ask because I have a lot to ask and you're human and so am I and I mean I'm not comparing you I mean you're not comparable and God knows what's wrong with me and you're very beautiful..'

'Chris, shutup'

'Yeah, sorry'

'Look', she pointed at the stars, laying her head down on the ground. 'Aren't they pretty?'. Chris lay his head beside her. He took her hand in his and held onto it while she smiled, both of them silent as if they knew the talking won't help and their presence was enough.

'I didn't know you liked me', Chris said after a while, facing her

'Yeah, I didn't know either. Chris its a long story, you might wanna get some cookies and milk'

'I like it when you talk'

She laughed,'I heard. Anyway. There was once this girl called Zara. She did not have a good history with guys. Every guy she liked, left her, alone. She stopped liking herself, she underestimated herself but she would always be uplifted by this one friend of hers, Christian Rodgers. She found herself to be falling in love with him. And she didn't want to do so because she couldn't risk falling in love again when it's already shattered her inside. She couldn't keep on breaking her inside even though the smile was never wiped off her face. She couldn't love. And she tried everything to keep her mind off him. But sadly, he was the sweetest, cutest and most adorablest human being on the entire planet and thinking about living without him was a nightmare to be frank.

'And I'm still scared to love Chris, I am. But with you, yeah, the world seems brighter. And, I love you'

He hugged her and lay his head on top of her shoulders, 'Same Ryder. You're too annoying though'


'You're nose looks very cute, it's so small'

'What the hell are you even saying Rodgers?'

'I seriously don't know,I guess it's all your fault. You make my head go weird'



'Fuck you'

'You really wanna?'

'Is it weird if I say yes?', she smirked

'Stop flirting with me Ryder', he laughed and gave her a peck on the cheek




I LOVE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH......AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! (excuse the fangirling moment, and if you are one too, join the club man!!)

FIRST OF ALL, CHEERS TO MY BESTIES, Hugrahahoon aka @Yashvardhan05 for writing the beautiful poem "For you" (HAVE I MENTIONED HOW ABSOLUTELY AMAZING IT IS, ummmmm.....yes, i have) AND I LOVE YOU FOR IT. AND GrangerGirlEverdeen CUZ SHE'S DAAA BESSSSTTTTT!!!!! LOVE YOU BOTH TO THE MOON AND BACK!!!!!!!( that's a long trip)


Happy Reading ;D

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