Chapter 5

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'Good morning students. Settle yourselves and open your books to page 54', said the familiar yet very much regretted voice of Ms. Casey, the history teacher. Lily was sitting on the last seat, half enjoying herself in the presence of her two best friends seated right in front of her. Her partner, Shane was absent that day. Sad. The teacher started reading the chapter but after sometime they got bored.
'Let's make a bucket list! 'suggested Chris. Having nothing better to do they took out a sheet of paper distributing it three ways and a pen for each.
'I wanna take a world tour, meeting the president would also be nice,hmm' Zara said while writing it down.
Lily thought for some time, then said, 'I wanna go to a beach, sometime, if Dad's gets that much money. And yeah, scuba diving too!'. She had always wanted to experience scuba diving , seeing people do it in movies did not satisfy her hunger for adventure.
'I'm gonna win the Nobel Prize for Sarcasm' said Chris, apparently happy at the thought.
'That's impossible' said Lily laughing.
'Oh well let's just say I'm gonna make it possible cuz I'm a firework bitch! ' he said flicking his fingers.
Lily had gone into flashback mode. She remembered the time when they were in 7th grade, still kids and moreover was surprised at the fact that Chris kept that in mind the whole time.
She was pulled into reality by the noise generated by her two besties fighting like bulls on her bed.
'Why did you spoil it, huh? ' Zara was saying while also murdering Lily's green pillow by hitting it on Chris' head.
'Dude, I swear it wasn't on purpose' Chris replied.
'Guys sit down and stop murdering my pillows. Thank you' said Lily when both of them had been seated on the bed, which was now very messy due to the World War III that happened.
'What is it now? ' Lily asked even though she knew what was coming, she wanted them to say it.
'It was your birthday suprise', Zara starts explaining. 'Basically it was Chris' idea, very good one actually, about us three going on a beach vacay'
'Oh my god Chris, you remembered all this time about that stupid bucket list?!'
'But you really wanted to go to a beach, so yeah, here you have it. We will be having the time of our lives and never missing home. Even a bit', said Chris apparently relieved and quite proud about his idea.
'Dude, but someone has to fund it right. I'll give.. ', but Lily could not finish her sentence because the two of them were looking questioningly at her with one of their eyebrows half raised in the air. 'What?'
'You don't have to give anything "Mother Teresa", it's your birthday, we can't expect you to do that. Also, Chris' dad is funding for it', finished Zara.
'Really? He?', said Lily unbelievably.
'Bro, his dad is richer than the richest. He owns like 40 Swiss bank accounts' said Zara.
'That's not true. He owns only 15. But yes he is rich. And don't say it as if it's bad. It's helping us in the times of need', said Chris apparently indicating that this was a "time of need".
'But how did you persuade him?' said Lily.
'Well, let's just say, I'm a firework bitch!'

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