Chapter 8

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It was literally the feeling you get when your reach paradise. The three friends checked into their room that evening. Lily thought the view from the balcony was amazing, splashing water of the not so calm sea, chirping sea gulls, huge palms, sandy beach, corals and all.
Lily and Chris both climbed on the bed and started jumping, after seconds of acting like two-year-olds the landed on the bed with thud and burst out laughing.
Zara emerged from the bedroom wearing a black bikini, she looked stunning.
'How do I look?' she asked them.
They both stared with open mouths.
'Well?! ' she asked again bringing them to to reality. 'Perfecto', they both replied in unison. Zara burst out laughing. 'Change into something good. We'll go down to the pool' she said.
Lily changed into a t-shirt and a pair of shorts while Chris wore a pair of beach shorts.
They went down and placed themselves on the beach beds kept beside the pool. Chris was basking in the glow of the sun, shirtless while Zara was checking out this guy who was swimming and started giggling whenever he looked at her way.
But Lily wasn't thinking about guys or the sun, her mind kept wandering about to those brown eyes. She had seen them earlier but "where" was the question. She could not get it out of her head, brown eyes, hands in the hair.
After some time of pondering she gave up. 'We'll see. Maybe it's just a friend from college', she thought.
Zara got up and said 'Bye guys. I'll meet you later in the room'.
'Where are you going? ' Chris asked
'Oh I'll tell you later', Zara said, quite impatiently
'Okay. Fine'. There was a sad expression on his face.
After some time they eventually got bored so they started playing Atlas. Lily was taking too much time, she couldn't get a country with A.
'You go girl. Come on. Okay I'll give you hint. This country starts with the letter A', he said laughing.
'Ya, as if that helps Rodgers', Lily was quite irritated by this time.
And then she saw it. Brown eyes. Hands in hair. Walking along the shoreline.
'Chris listen, come with me please'
'I don't wanna get up'
'Okay', Lily said and started walking towards the guy.
When she reached, she was standing right behind him but didn't have the courage, she was really nervous.
Regaining her confidence she tapped on his shoulder. He turned around and the earth seemed to stop, gravity became nonexistent, the wind wasn't moving, at least that's how Lily felt before she half screamed his name.
'Shane?! '
Surprise Surprise!!!!

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