Chapter 35

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Remember that pink letter with the rose? Yeah. That.

It was an invitation to every guest, young and old, to a ball, organised by the hotel since it was their diamond jubilee. It was coming up in a week and the hotel lobby and the hall was being decorated for this grand occasion. The only thing needed? A dance partner.

Now Chris immediately chose Zara and of course she didn't refuse.
Lily was extremely happy for them.
Even though they didn't know what feelings they held for each other, they still remained that cute couple ever since school days.

But this put Lily in a very bad position. Whom is she supposed to dance with? I mean she could always choose Shane but she wasn't sure if he would be ready to dance with her. And what if he already has one?

After a day or two post the invitation, Lily got seriously frustrated. Chris and Zara had suggested her ways to ask him out for the ball, but either she didn't get a chance to speak to him or she simply didn't have the guts.

It was about 2 am in the night and Facebook wasn't exactly helping her overcome her problem. She needed some fresh air.

Jumping down her bed, in her bunny slippers she made her way outside.
The cool breeze was still blowing and a million stars were dotting the sky accompanied by a solitary shining moon.

As she was walking, a hand swung round her shoulders, 'Can't sleep?'

'Hey Jade! Nope. I don't have a dance partner for the ball and imma bit worried because of that', she said shrugging.

'Same case with Shane. You can ask him out to the ball. You should've done it by now, after all you have a crush on him right?'

Lily's eyes widened and her cheeks grew red as ever, 'NO!'

Jade laughed, 'Oh honey, it's all right. I knew it the moment you guys became best friends in 7th grade'

'Yeah.... Umm.... He's nice...... So.... Did he say anything..... Or.....', Lily stuttered.

'Chill man. You both look really cute together and I'm sure he'll agree. He probably wants to ask you out too, but he's just scared of it', Jade assured her

'Really? Shane freaking Killean, the bad boy, is afraid of me? That's going in a joke book'

'No I mean it. He behaves very differently infront of you. A little too shy. Haven't you noticed? And he's very protective of you. Maybe.....', she grinned.

'What?!', Lily asked excited.

'Nothing. I'll get going. I'll see ya later, alligator!', saying this she skipped off to her room.

Lily had that funny feeling in her stomach but she had a whole lot to think about now.

First things first, a dance partner.

She called up Shane, getting over her nervousness, she spoke, 'Hey, am I disturbing you?'

'Not at all amie. Tell me, wassup', he spoke from the other end, his deep voice already sending chills down her spine

'Uh.... Shane I was wondering..... If.... Yknow..... You'dbemypartnerforthedance....... Ummm..', she said, rather too quickly.

Shane laughed, 'Sorry? I couldnt get you'

'Would you be my dance partner for tomorrow evening?', she asked,much more slowly, crossing her fingers.

'Oh thank God you asked man, I thought I'd never have a partner. I would gladly like to dance with you Lily Young. But I've got one problem'

'Which is?', she asked

'I don't have a tuxedo ready nor any moves'

Lily giggled, 'I'm gonna go shopping with Chris and Zara tomorrow for the dresses. Come along okay? And as for the moves.... No problem. I'll teach ya'

'Phew. I thought I'd never make it to the ball. I gotta go get my beauty sleep. Luv ya. Byee', saying this he cut the phone but little did he know that Lily was doing her own happy dance on the other end of the line.

She practically ran back  to the room, taking two steps at a time (the lift was on maintenance). After ringing the bell a million times, Chris opened the door.

'Someone's got a squirrel up her shorts', he joked as she came inside panting.

'Do... You... Even.... Know... What.... Happened?', she managed to croak out in between breaths.

'Well Lilz, if you won't tell us how in the name of Jesus would we know?', Zara said flipping another page of Vogue.

Gulping down a glass of water offered by Chris, Lily continued, 'I called Shane'
That caught their attention. Leaving whatever they were doing, Chris and Zara looked up to hear more.
'Yeah bitches, I called him and I asked him out to the dance. And........ HE SAID YES!!!!!', she grinned

They went crazy.

'And that's not all', said Lily making their heads slowly move towards her. 'He said "luv ya" while keeping the phone down. HE SAID LUV YA. DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT I MEAN?!?!'

'Wow. Amazing.',said Chris, speechless
'Okay, this is a lot of shit to process right now. Lily Young, you did it. Oh my God, you did it! Great going. Now, get some rest we need to go shopping tomorrow', said Zara, calmly
'Yeah okay', said Lily, still smiling.

But of course, Lily wasn't able to sleep. She'd tried everything from music to sleeping pills. But nothing helped.

The words of Jade zoomed around her head like rockets.
What did that "maybe" mean?

'Heyy, can't sleep?', asked Chris. Lily looked up and shook her head, 'Nah. Did I wake you up?'

Chris sat down beside her in the balcony, the soft air ruffling his curls, 'Nope. I can't sleep either. The thought of it kills me'

'What thought?'

'The thought of telling Zara what I feel about her'
Lily grinned, 'Youre gonna do it Rodgers or are you just faking it?'

'No man. Imma do it on the day of the ball'
Lily hugged him, 'Wow. Chris, that's so good. Have you got your speech ready?'

Chris laughed, 'Dude, that's not the problem. The problem is what is she.... What of our friendship breaks..... What if she doesn't like me...... I would not like that.... I'll regret it my whole life. She means too much to me'

Lily smiled,' I'm a hundred and ten percent sure that's not gonna happen'

'How I hope', he said.

Lily looked at the now rising sunrise thinking about how wrong Chris was. Because he meant as much to her as she meant for him.
Boredom took the better of me last night so I had nothing better to do other than listening to music and texting my best friend who eventually got bored of me too.

So, I thought why not please you guys with another chapter (This is where you kill me with pitchforks)

I'm really really excited for the next two chaps. Writing it is as exciting as reading it. You never know what's to come of your imagination, right?

This one's for....Benjamin125. Ma homie!!! Ya he's awesomesauce and he just started reading my book and I hope he loves it too.

Anycase, I'm vvvvtired so imma go and rest, you guys?

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