Chapter 6

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Lily had never thought that it could happen in real. SHE WAS GOING ON A BEACH VACAY!!!
'I so freakin' love you guys!' she said for the fortieth time in the middle of the packing.
The three of them were helping her pack her stuff. They had already done so because they knew about it. Of course.
Lily kept muttering all that she needed, checking things off her list while Zara was seeing if she kept the right clothes and other stuff. She had a much better fashion sense. Whilst all the mutterings and the rejections of clothes by the two, Chris calmly plopped himself on Lily's bed with a pizza slice in one hand. He started watching TV, switching between channels whenever he felt like it.
After about an hour into this mayhem, both of them were done. Lily had finally fitted all her junk, with a lot of difficulty and a great help from Chris into her blue suitcase. She too plopped her self on the bed, stealing the half eaten pizza from Chris' she satisfied her hunger.
She switched on good music on her phone, plugged in her earphones and went into deep slumber
The sound of shuffling woke Lily up. Someone had taken out her earphones. Probably Zara. She got up and rubbed her eyes and looked into the mirror, she looked like a havoc.
She quickly ran a brush through her hair, often cursing the knots she came across through her mission. She washed her face and went outside, slamming her door shut. Chris and Zara had bags packed and we're checking the time.
'Morning Sunshine', chirped Zara. 'Had a good beauty sleep, huh?'
Lily was confused. Bags? Oh wait....
'What time is it?', she asked
'It's about 3 o'clock and we're leaving in 5 so get ready' said Chris glancing at his watch.
Lily rushed upstairs took out a pair of black harem pants and a T-shirt to go with it. She plugged out her charger and kept it in her handbag with her phone. She cleaned her bed a bit so her father won't have to do it.
Wheeling her luggage she got out, Zara was already loading her stuff into a cab they had supposedly called.
Chris checked if he had all the flight details and put the ID's and passports together.
10 minutes later they were in the cab, windows down and much to the driver's annoyance were singing 'Cake By the Ocean' along with the radio that was blaring beside them.
People cursed them as they drove by. But did these three care? Of course not.
A while later they were at the John F. Kennedy Airport .
'Finally!' squealed Lily. She had never travelled on an airplane before, never went to a beach holiday and also never been with her three best friends through it all. But she had one question in mind.
'Where are we going? You guys forgot to tell me that', she asked
'Hawaii', Chris replied nonchalantly
'Hawaii?!?!' both Lily and Zara screamed together, apparently she had not know till now too. Chris replied with one of his signature smirks.
'Told you I'm a firework, bitches!'
Another update guys. Hope you all are "lovin it".
Happy Reading ;D

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