Chapter 18

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Lily pulled away, anger boiled inside her. But it immediately subsided after she saw Sam crying.
'Dude, what's wrong?', she asked.
'I'm really sorry. I know I shouldn't have done that. I know I have hurt you before. It was heart breaking for me to leave, it took me all the courage to leave school. But it was of no use. I was in love with you. I couldn't change that. I'm really sorry, I got so overwhelmed that I can finally see you and stuff..y'know...i mean'
Lily was amazed. She had never seen Sam like that. He had always been that dude you hangout with while bunking and stuff. She really needed a mug of strong coffee. Making a mental note to tell Chris for the coffee she continued, 'Hey hey, calm down. It's alright. I'm not angry or anything. Relax'
Sam seemed to calm down, taking deep breaths.
'Sam I really need to think about it. I''ve really thrown me off guard', she laughed uneasily.
Sam didn't seem to notice her uneasiness, he too gave a small smile.
They walked around the beach, talking about their lives. It was almost 3 in the morning when they parted ways.
Lily briskly walked towards lift. It opened with a ting, she got on and was about to press 6 when a voice, husky yet familiar shouted, 'Wait for me'. Lily thought it was Chris and jabbed the button opening the door wide for the unmistakable Shane Killean.
Lily cursed under her breath. The lift closed. Both of them, alone, in a small confined space.
'So, how are you?', he said, in a failed attempt to start a conversation.
'Have been better'
'What happened?', he said smirking.
'I don't feel the need to tell you everything Killean, unless you're quite mistaken', she said snapping her head back.
'Ooo. Sassy mode.', he said teasingly.
'God, Killean'
'I know I'm the god'
'Whatever', she couldn't think of anything else to say. The lift opened with the same sound, her cue to escape this conversation which was going downhill with good speed.
Lily could her Shane copying her in a high pitched woman's voice, not sounding like him, of course.
The knocked on the door. Zara opened it and she barged inside.
'Dude, what's wrong', asked Chris, he was watching anime. He quickly sat up as Lily came in, with the fire of a thousand suns.
'Sam kissed me. Like what?! He apparently loves me and stuff. I mean I've never ever in my life thought about him that way. I mean why? Why did he have to ruin our amazing friendship. And then, Shane has the audacity to pop up in the lift, as me why I'm upset as if he bloody cares and then copies me in his high pitches idiotic female voice. I mean really? He doesn't even remember me'.
Chris and Zara looked at each other and burst out laughing. What was that part about best friends, huh? They rolled on the beds, laughing hysterically as if Lily has just narrated a great joke.
'Sam kissed you?', Chris asked, still laughing. 'How was it? You can wash your mouth if you want, must be tasting like barf in there!'
Lily smiled. They were the only ones who could think about this situation like that.
After they had collected themselves, sane but yet bursting into laughter in every minute or so, they ordered dinner.
They watched E. T while chucking in food.
Suddenly the door bell rang.
'Lily open it please', both of them said. She reluctantly got up and opened the door.
Knock, knock. Who's there? Sam. Oh shit.
Sam was standing with two tickets of a movie in his hand with a gorgeous smile and a good amount of extra strong deodorant.
'Hey Lily? I wanted to make it up to you. So, would I mind going to a movie tomorrow evening? Don't say no'
'Sure. No problem', she said returning his smile.
'So see you tomorrow. 7 pm. Yeah? Bye. And sweet dreams', he winked.
Lily closed the door.
Maybe he's not that bad. He's kinda hot. And that kiss... Lily? Lily?
'Lily?', Zara called.
'Uh huh?', she said resuming to reality.
'Who was that?', she asked
'Nobody. Chill. Is there any popcorn left?'

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