Day 2, Part 1

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Craig woke up feeling the regret of the last couple days weighing heavily on his being. However is pride wasn't going to let him not win this bet, so he forced himself to bury his feelings and just get ready for school. He got ready without anything going wrong and stood outside waiting for the bus to arrive.

It only took a couple of minutes before the bus arrived and Craig stepped on. He glanced to where he frequently sat and headed in that direction. Although Craig noticed that Tweek occupied the seat behind it. It's weird that now that Craig was aware of Tweek, he seemed to be everywhere. Craig didn't even know that Tweek rode this bus.

Craig breathed in and out and mentally prepared himself for being around Tweek, and that sat down next to him. As soon as he sat down Tweek's body jerked to be as far away from him as possible which seemed to be a difficult task and made a sound that Craig was pretty sure was involuntary. 

"You don't have to be scared of me you know."

"I-I'm not."

"Really? Because I'm pretty sure you're so far away you're about to become one with that wall."

"O-Oh, oops, I-I didn't realize." Then as if by magic Tweek started sitting like an average person, or as close to an ordinary person Tweek could be at least." The problem now was finding something to talk about. Craig sat there the entire ride to school in silence wishing he was sitting by literally anyone else when they finally got to school.

Craig checked his phone when he noticed Bebe was texting him about where he was. Great, he almost forgot he was supposed to ditch today. Craig was about to head towards Stark's Pond where Bebe told him to meet when Craig got a good idea. Why doesn't he just kill two birds with one stone and invite Tweek.

Craig ran to catch up with Tweek. "Hey, Tweek, do you wanna go to Stark's Pond with me and some other people."

Tweek jumped at the sudden sound, seriously would he ever stop doing that? "D-Don't we h-have school."

Craig rolled his eyes, "well yeah, it's called skipping."

Tweek started nervously messing with the buttons on his shirt. Maybe that's why it's always buttoned incorrectly? Either way, Craig was suddenly compelled to fasten it properly, if only for his own sanity.

"What about m-my parents."

"They won't even find out, are you coming or not?" Tweek looked like he was going to say no but just nodded his head and got closer to Craig. They started walking side by side with Tweek occasionally having to jog because his legs are so much shorter than Craig's. The silence felt weird to Craig, and it was still awkward, but there was something nice about being able to be around a person and not talking to them.

Finally, they arrived at Stark's Pond, and they sat down at the group of other teenagers, Craig knew all of them, but he wasn't sure if Tweek did. Craig sat down next to Clyde and gestured for Tweek to sit on the other side. He did feel kind of bad for making Tweek sit next to Cartman, but somebody had to do it.

There was a bottle in the middle of the circle, and Craig rose his eyebrow at Clyde silently asking what it was about.

"We're playing spin the bottle." Craig nodded glancing to Tweek who seemed to be worried if the way he pulled at his hair was any indication. Craig could tell the rest of the group, excluding Kenny, was confused as to why Craig brought Tweek but they weren't about to ask, and Craig wasn't about to tell.

Craig's focus went to the game as Bebe spun the bottle and it landed on Red. They pecked each other on the lips and Clyde cat-called which kind of disturbed Craig considering Red was his cousin, but he wasn't in the mood for fighting one of the few people he actually thought of as his friend. Red spun the bottle, and it landed on Kenny who smirked, they hardcore made-out to the point where everyone was uncomfortable.

Finally, Kenny wiped his mouth and spun the bottle, and in what seemed like slow motion it landed on Tweek, who blushed. Did Tweek just blush at anything? Kenny swooped him up and planted a chaste kiss on his lips and then smirked at me. Tweek was the color of a tomato at this point, and Craig was getting irritated.

Tweek moved to spin the bottle, but Craig grabbed his arm and started dragging him away. "W-Where are we g-going."


"W-Wait, who's h-home."



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