Day 9, Part 2

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A/N: Again, I'm sorry about how Wattpad deleted majority of the last chapter when it published it, and if this is your first time hearing about this you should probably read Day 9, Part 1 again so your actually caught up. Thanks again everyone for putting up with me.

Craig was at lunch eating with Clyde and Token like he did everyday, or at least everyday that he went to school which in retrospect wasn't very often. Even so, something felt wrong. He kept noticing Tweek eating alone on the other side of the cafeteria and it made his skin itch. After everything for Tweek to not eat lunch with him was just weird. After first period they spend all of second talking as if they've been friends forever. They did have to split for third but it was fun while it lasted.

Clyde and Token must have noticed how he kept glancing in Tweek's direction because they shared a look and something that Craig didn't quite understand was passed through, before speaking to Craig. "If you want, you can invite him over."

With his friends permission Craig immediately stood up and headed to where Tweek sat eating his peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Craig could hear the whispers of everyone else in the cafeteria but Craig was never bothered by what other people said. Although it didn't seem like Tweek felt the same way by the way his twitching increased.

Tweek looked at Craig expectantly which made Craig hesitate slightly in concern that Tweek would reject him, but he would never admit that to himself. "Do you want to sit with me and my friends?"

Tweek's face lit up with happiness, "You want me to sit with your friends?"

If someone looked close enough they would be able to see the light pink on Craig's cheeks, so Craig thanked whatever gods were out there that nobody was. "Yeah, of course."

Then they both headed back to where Clyde and Token were waiting for them. Clyde, ever the bravest spoke up first. "Hey, Tweek, how's it going."

"I-I'm good," and with that it was like Tweek was always part of the group. They laughed and jokes and Craig hoped this wasn't a once time occurrence. He had visions of a future where their trio was a quartet. He could definitely get used to that.

Although sooner that Craig wanted the bell rang and he had to get to fourth. Except he could see Kenny out of the corner of his eye trying to call him over. So with reluctance Craig wandered towards him to the back of the school by the dumpster. Without speaking Kenny took out a carton of cigarettes and held it up to Craig. He took it without thought and lit it with his spare lighter he store in his sweatshirt pocket. While him and Kenny stood behind the school smoking he couldn't help but think about how cliché the whole thing was. 

Eventually Kenny finally spoke up, "I see you're getting closer to Tweek."

Craig immediately felt uncomfortable and wanted to leave. Although he didn't want to look like a bitch in front of Kenny, "yeah, I have been."

Kenny nodded slowly, "think you'll win the bet."

Craig almost choked with surprise, he almost completely forgot about the bet. He felt like an idiot, why else would he be talking to Tweek so much? Craig could tell that Kenny was getting concerned with his silence so he figured he should talk sooner rather than later,  "with the way things have been going, definitely."

Then the silence came back. Craig was annoyed that Kenny killed his mood after having such a good day that he wanted to try and get under Kenny's skin, "what's going on between you and Butters?"

Kenny glared at Craig annoyed, "I don't think it's any of your business, but if you must know, nothing."

Craig knew there was more to the story but he didn't bother pushing, he didn't really care to be honest. Before Craig could stop himself his mouth opened, "do you want to have sex?"

Kenny rose his eyebrows in amusement, Craig always had a way of being straightforward. "I think that's the best idea you've had."

Then they walked back to Craig's house where his parents were thankfully out. Afterwards Craig immediately fell back asleep even though it was only mid-day. Sex tended to do that to him.

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