Day 12, Part 2

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Craig sat shotgun in Token's car, driving to who knows where. Craig could tell that Token was texting people vigorously during stop lights. Craig could see that Token was anxious which was only making Craig worry more.

To Craig's surprise, they finally ended up at Tweek's family's coffee shop. Without saying a word Token got out of the car and Craig followed him.

They stood outside waiting for something that Craig didn't understand. As they stood Token turned towards him, "listen, we're sorry for not telling you earlier, but he didn't want us too."

Instead of making Craig feel better the sentiment only made Craig more confused than he was before Token said anything. "I don't understand what you're saying. Who's we? Who won't let you talk about it?"

Token looked conflicted before grabbing Craig's arm, "you'll see in a minute," and with that the ended up walking into the shop. The smell of coffee which reminded him of Tweek helped to make him relax.

Token ended up leading him to the backroom where Clyde and Tweek were. Craig could tell Tweek was more anxious than usual and he felt the odd urge to comfort him.

Craig still had no idea what was going on, but by the looks between the other three, they all knew. Clyde and Token were both starring at Tweek intensely. It was making Tweek more nervous to the point where Craig had half a mind to tell his friends to knock it off.

When the silence only continued Craig started to worry, how serious was this? Out of the nowhere, Tweek ran off leaving the other three in the backroom.

Clyde shook his head, "I was worried this would happen."

"I didn't realize that it was that bad, I'm sorry for pushing him," Token said looking at his shoes.

Clyde just shook his head, "it's not your fault, it isn't really that bad, Tweek just panics under pressure.

"Yeah, but I knew that, and I still did that to him," Token said exasperatedly.

As much as he loved it when his friends bickered, especially after all the drama they've gone through, he still had no idea what's going on. "Will one of you guys tell me what's going on?"

Clyde shifted around uncomfortable, "It's not right for either of us to tell you, it has to come from him."

Craig would be lying if he said he wasn't upset, but Craig would instead make Tweek comfortable then to know whatever he apparently doesn't know. "I understand, I'm going to go find him now."

Then Craig was walking out if the store, ignoring his friends' pleads to wait for them. He needed to talk to Tweek alone.

After what must have been at least an hour of trying to call Tweek while searching still searching for him, Craig finally found him. He was sitting on a bench, hugging his knees, and crying.

Craig hated seeing Tweek cry. Craig was torn on whether to confront him or not because Craig knew he would hate it if someone caught him crying.

Eventually, Craig did sit next to Tweek, because this wasn't Craig, this was Tweek. The boy who was in constant fear and anxiety, the not who learned to live with it every day if his life as if he was okay. The boy who would never ask anyone for help, yet the one who always needed it. He was the boy that made Craig's heart hurt.

Craig was scared by this revelation and everything it meant. It was scary to know he had some sort of schoolboy crush on Tweek. Mainly because of that stupid bet he made before he even knew Tweek. Craig wanted to take it back, but it was twelve days too late.

Craig still hadn't said anything, he didn't know where to even begin at this point. But even without his help, Tweek started to calm down, and Craig briefly wondered how many times Tweek has had to talk himself out of panic attacks.

"I-I'm sorry, for not t-telling you."

Craig didn't know if he could say something even if he wanted to, so instead he merely grabbed Tweek's hand in comfort.

They stood like that silently next to each other until the sun started to set. Even then though Craig still felt an urge to stay with Tweek.

That's not how the world works though so instead they parted ways, and Craig walked home alone. He went to bed before eating dinner that night.

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