Day 12, Part 1

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I have school today, was the first thing Craig thought as he woke up. He was honestly planning on going to school today, but his plans changed when he noticed there was a sticky note attached to his forehead. He tore it off and glanced down at it. In Token's hand writing it said, I'm at school right now, I would have woken you up but I decided not to as thanks for listening to my problems. Stay at my house until I get back, I want to listen to your problems.

Craig crumbled up the sticky note and headed to the kitchen for some breakfast. He wasn't worried about Token's parents finding him since they both worked during the day. In fact, it wasn't an uncommon occurrence for either him or Clyde to hang out at Token's place during the day if they didn't want to go to school. Token didn't approve of them skipping school, but Token was their friend and understood it. 

After a delicious breakfast that he only ever really gets at Token's house he figured he should probably check his phone. Except the moment he did he regretted it and immediately wished he hadn't, he had seven missed calls from Tweek. It wasn't that he didn't want to talk to Tweek, because he definitely did, he just felt too ashamed about what he did yesterday. Yet Craig knew he would need to confront Tweek sooner or later, and he could imagine how much him not answering Tweek's calls would drive him insane.

After a solid ten minutes going through all the pros and cons Craig dialed Tweek's phone. He sat in Token's living room patiently waiting for Tweek to pick up. "H-Hello?"

"Hey Tweek, I noticed you called, and I was wondering what's up."

"Oh, yeah, I don't even remember what I was going to call you about."

Craig could tell that there was something that Tweek wasn't saying but he didn't want to pressure him, Craig figured Tweek would tell him when he's ready. "Oh, okay."

"Did you hear about what's going on between Token and Clyde?"

Of course Craig knew, he spent all last night trying to comforting Token but the question was how did Tweek know. "Yeah, I do, but how do you know?"

"A-After I was at your house I went to Clyde's house and he told me about it."

"Why did you go to Clyde's house?" Craig felt a little bad because the way he said it did come across as rude, but he didn't bother correcting himself.

There was no noise from the other side until there was a sudden bell, "I got to go, lunch just ended, okay, bye," Tweek said rushed before hanging up. Well there's another mystery that's going to keep Craig up at night.

Now Craig was bored again, he ended up playing Doki Doki Literature Club for several hours until Token finally came home. Before Craig could even greet him Token said, "my room now, we need to talk."

Craig, not wanting to fight, silently headed upstairs to Token's room and sat down on his bed. Token followed him and ended up sitting on the opposite side of the bed, "so what's been bothering you?"

Craig sighed, where did he even begin? "I fought with my dad again."

Token nodded taking it in, "that seems to be happening more and more recently."

Craig shrugged dismissively, "and Tweek was there, my dad hurt him and I just stood there and watched." Craig was embarrassed that his voice broke saying that.

Token gripped his arm, "listen, you already know my advice when it comes to your dad so I won't say that again, but I know you care about Tweek and I know he cares about you."

Craig shook Token's hand off of him since he didn't deserve the comfort before speaking, "we barely know each other." Craig hated to admit it, but it was true wasn't it? Him and Tweek were barely friends, they barely knew each other.

There was a moment of silence before Token stood up, "that's it, I know I'm not supposed to tell you but you have a right to know."

"Know what?" Craig questioned while still getting up and following Token out the door.

"Don't worry it will all make sense," and with that Craig blindly followed Token to God knows where. At least he was finally going to get some damn answers to all his questions. 

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