Day 16, Part 4

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Craig stormed off and immediately went to Clyde's house, he couldn't stop the anger he felt over the entire situation. Eventually, he arrived at Clyde's home and without knocking or even talking to Clyde's parents, he went up to Clyde's room.

"Can you believe him," Craig said while sitting on Clyde's bed.

Clyde sighed, "I don't know dude, I think you're too hard on him."

"Who's side are you even on?"

Clyde glanced at Craig exasperated, "I'm not on anyone's side,  I just feel like you have to look at it from Tweek's point of view. He was scared for not only his but your safety, and he didn't know what to do."

Craig thought about what Clyde had to say, Craig still didn't feel like forgiving Tweek, but Clyde did have a point. "I guess your right, I'll talk to him about it later when I'm less angry."

Clyde, without saying anything, just switched the T.V. to Red Racer and sat down on the bed next to Craig. Craig smiled, "I haven't watched Red Racer in a long time."

"Yeah, but I figured now was an appropriate time."

They sat there watching it for a good hour before Craig decided to break the silence. "So, what's going on between you and Token?"

Clyde tensed up, "what do you mean?"

"Token told you he had a crush on you, didn't he?"

"Yeah, he did."

Craig could tell that Clyde didn't want to talk about it, but he felt like he needed to know what was going on. "So are you guys cool now?"

"Yeah, of course, we are, I'm not attracted to guys, but he's still my best friend."

Craig was glad that Clyde was reasonable, "So you're fine with it?"

Clyde flopped down on the bed, "I don't know. Honestly, I just wish he never said anything because now it's just awkward and I miss my best friend."

"So you would never consider going out with him?"

"I told you, I honestly wish I liked guys so that way it would be less awkward but, I just can't."

"Yeah, I understand."

There was a pause before Clyde decided to speak, "Now that that's out of the way, what about you and Tweek?"

Craig's initial emotion was anger because of what happened earlier but it slowly just became fondness because he can't just stay mad at Tweek no matter how much he wanted to, it's like trying to stay mad at a puppy, virtually impossible. "What about Tweek," he said while unable to fight off the blush that found it's way to his cheeks.

"It's undeniable that you guys like each other, when are you finally going to actually start going out?"

Craig just rolled his eyes, "We're just friends, nothing more."

"Really? Because you definitely don't look at me the way you look at Tweek."

Craig rolled his eyes, "maybe I do have a small crush on Tweek, but it's not a big deal, he doesn't like me back, and I'm not about to ruin the friendship we have."

Clyde sighed, "there's so much I want to tell you, but I have to wait for Tweek to finally explain everything."

Craig rubbed his neck from embarrassment, "about that, Tweek actually told me."

Clyde fell off the bed in surprise, "he told you everything, and you still don't think he liked you!"

"He told me he grew out of the crush!"

Clyde was about to argue back before Clyde's dad came into the room, "I have to get up early tomorrow so can you guys please just go to bed?"

Craig could hear the desperation in his voice so they both nodded their head and Clyde's dad smiled gratefully before leaving. "I guess we have to go to bed, but this conversation is not over."

Craig smiled, "I'm sure." Even though he knew Tweek didn't like him, it was definitely a nice thought.

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