Day 26, Part 1

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When Craig woke up he decided he was going to school. There wasn't one particular reason just a few small reasons. For example, he needed to take his mind off things and what better way to do that then getting brainwashed by the American school system. That and he just missed his friends. He missed Token's motherly advice and Clyde's failed attempts at flirting with the opposite sex.

He missed Tweek. He missed him a lot. He didn't want to get his hopes up though so he just suppressed it. He doubted Tweek would even talk to him anymore, and Craig couldn't help but feel like he deserves it.

So with all this in mind, he went to school, and he was determined to last the whole day. Craig has honestly forgotten what his sixth-period teacher even looks like. He didn't know how open his friends would be to giving him a ride considering everything that happened so Craig opted to take the bus.

When he actually ended up on the bus though he immediately regretted it. He completely forgot that Tweek rode the bus. He was faced with a decision that he wasn't ready to make yet. Attempt to sit next to him and face the awkwardness and possible rejection or sit somewhere else and risk making Tweek feel like Craig was ignoring him or didn't want to work things out.

The bus driver was starting to get impatient so Craig made the risky decision of sitting next to the blonde that he hadn't seen in a while. When he looked into the boy's eyes Craig was overrun with emotion. There were a million things he wanted to say but he ended up just giving a forced smile.

It didn't help that Tweek immediately tensed when he sat down. The entire bus ride was painful and silent. Minus the usual chatter among other students. It was unsettling. There was rarely ever a time between the two of them where there was an uncomfortable silence. Craig decided he didn't like it.

When they finally got to school after the longest gen minute bus ride of Craig's life he wanted to facepalm. Why did he think this was a good idea. He had his first two periods with Tweek and Craig didn't know how much longer he could take the unbearable silence.

With a heavy heart, Craig forced himself to go to first period. When he got there though this time he didn't hesitate and sat next to Tweek. He at least wanted Tweek to know that he still cared about him.

Since Craig didn't have Tweek directly distracting him like usual Craig was able to actually pay attention to the teacher somewhat. If Craig actually went to the school he might have even been able to understand what was going on.

The only problem was that Tweek was talking and laughing with Kyle. Craig wasn't exactly jealous, but he definitely didn't like it. Craig didn't quite know why but he would guess that it had to do with Tweek being so happy without him. This only made Craig mad at himself though. He didn't have a right to feel that way.

Almost the exact same thing happened in second period except that Tweek was just smiling at something on his phone. It infuriated Craig that he didn't know what made him so happy.

Then third period happened and thankfully he didn't have it with Tweek. It was a relief to be bored and have nothing to do. He even took some notes which was definitely new for him.

Then he went to lunch, which was a battle that he didn't know he would be fighting today.

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