Day 11, Part 1

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Craig woke up in a cold sweat from a nightmare he didn't even remember. Before doing anything else he glanced towards the clock and noticed it was almost six, perfect. He could go to school and hopefully be at of the house before either of his parents were up because no way was he going to deal with that mess.

Craig quickly got ready, something he became an expert at after waking up late and having to rush to get to school on time often, and quickly left in his car to go to school. Craig hated being alone with his thoughts in the car so he cranked up whatever generic pop song was on the radio and started speeding.

Finally Craig made it to school with a good fifteen minutes left till class starts. This should be interesting, Craig thought, he's never really been inside the school this early. Craig entered the school, it was quitter than usual but there were still a lot of kids roaming the hallways.

Before Craig could go and try to find his friends he heard some mumbling behind him, "Craig, can I talk to you," the voice was so kind he wasn't too sure it even happened.

Craig still decided to turn around though just in case and low and behold it was Butters. His eyes were tuned downwards as if staring at Craig's shoes. It wasn't that Craig didn't like Butters, but he didn't really know the guy very well so he was confused as to why he wanted to talk to him.

Either was Craig didn't see why not so he nodded his approval and waited for Butters to explain.

"It's just that, Kenny has been ignoring me recently and I don't know why."

Craig liked to think he could see through people when they're being disingenuous, and this wasn't an exception. He could tell this bothered Butters more than he wants to admit. Craig knew he liked Kenny, it was pretty obvious to everybody, including Kenny. However, Craig was a lot less sure Kenny's intentions though. So he didn't want to give Butters hope only to be disappointed.

"Honestly Butters, I have no idea, he probably got bored with you like he does everybody."

Butters looked conflicted, as if he was fighting himself before his face fell and nodded, accepting the truth. He didn't say anything else just simply walked away. Craig thought about walking after him, he really did, but the bell rang and he decided to go to class.

Craig decided he was an idiot when he walked into first period and remembered that he shared it with Tweek. He sat down next to him and class was just like Monday. Neither speaking to each other but Craig obsessing over what Tweek was thinking.

Eventually the bell rang and Craig decided this was ridiculous, they would have to talk to each other eventually. Before Tweek could pack up and leave, Craig spoke up, "hey Tweek." 

Unlike last time though Tweek wasn't confused or scared. "Hey Craig, what's up?"

Craig usually hated when Tweek was twitchy and stuttery, and hated it even more when he acted like they were strangers. There was something about how normal and casual Tweek was acting that made his skin crawl and his heart hurt. "I just wanted to hang out with my friend," Craig said trying not to let his distress show.

"We're friends?" Craig froze, he couldn't believe he just told Tweek they were friends. Although, it wasn't really a lie. Craig did consider Tweek his friend, but there was a big problem with that. He still had to get Tweek to fall in love with him and hurt him. He didn't want to do that to a friend, but he also didn't want Kenny to be right.

Craig tried to hide his blush as he simply nodded since he didn't trust himself to speak properly.

Tweek started giggling, "you know you don't have to try and hide your emotions all of the time." Craig stood there gaping like an idiot before the bell rang signaling second period started. Considering the two of them were still standing in the middle of the hallway that was a problem.

Tweek immediately went silent and paled. In retaliation Craig hooked his arm with Tweek's and said, "don't worry, we're going to my house."

Tweek stumbled along with him, "o-oh okay."

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