Day 28, Part 1

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Craig didn't know what to do. At least, that's what he thought until Butters marched into his room when it was way too early to be alive and started talking. "Kenny is throwing a party later today and he said I could invite you."

At first, he didn't want to go but he didn't have anything better to do so he said, "sounds nice." And he knew it was the right decision when Butters smiled and left. Craig realized that he had no idea when it started but he figured one of them would text him.

So he just went downstairs and was surprised by the delicious smell coming from the kitchen. He stepped into the room and saw his mom cooking pancakes. She seemed to be in a good mood which was a good sign. "Hi Mom," Craig said hesitantly.

She turned around and smiled, "hi, I sent Butters off to school already so I don't know what you're doing here still."

Craig's face flushed, his mom always had bigger things to worry about than whether or not he was at school. She continued, "I guess I could make an exception today since it's been rough for you lately."

Craig sat down at the dining table, "thank's Mom."

Then she waved her spatula at him threateningly, "don't make a habit out of this though, it's a one time offer."

Craig just smiled instead of telling her that he has already made a habit of it and he spent more time finding excuses to skip than actually going to school. While Craig was lost in thought his mom had placed a stack of pancakes in front of him. He was sure that there were enough pancakes to feed a family of six but he was up to the challenge.

He was in the middle of the second pancake when his mom sat down across from him with a noticing smaller stack. Craig figured this was a good time to ask, "so what has you in such a good mood."

She took her first bite of the pancake before answering, "he's in jail awaiting trial and I was able to file for divorce."

"That's great!" Craig said excitedly. He had always hoped that this would happen but it felt like such an unrealistic fantasy to him. Except, it's real and Craig couldn't be happier.

The two of them made small talk while they finished their pancakes. After they both finished his mom stood up, "My friends wanted to go out today to celebrate so I'll see you tonight." Then she smiled, "I'd suggest you do the same."

Then she hugged him tightly and left. Craig was alone again, although he realized that he didn't have to be as he took out his phone. At first, he didn't know who to call but then he decided to be honest with himself. There was only one person that he wanted to talk with right now.

He pressed the call button and was almost surprised when he heard, "hello?"

Craig breathed in, "hey Tweek."

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