Day 20, Part 2

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Craig saw red. He didn't know where that Bayard was but he was going to find him. Then he felt a hand clench the front of his shirt. He looked down and remembered that Tweek was there, and he was scared.

Craig was still angry, enraged even, but he shouldn't scare Tweek like that. So he took a deep breath and tried to calm down. While he still felt the boiling anger deep within him he could think more clearly.

As calmly as he could he spoke, "where is he?"

His friends all glanced at each other nervously. Then Token answered, "nobody can find him, but as soon as they do he's going straight to prison. Craig wanted to say that he didn't deserve prison but he swallowed it.

Then Token came up to him and placed his hand on Craig's shoulder. "Are you going to be okay?"

Craig wanted to smile to reassure him, but he couldn't force himself to. So he decided to be honest, "I don't know."

Token's grip tightened, "just know that were all here for you."

"Thank you," Craig said but he wasn't really paying attention. While he appreciated the gesture he knew that they didn't understand. They woild never understand what it's like.

Then Craig looked down at the blonde in his arms. he was shivering, but not from the cold but out of fear. Craig tipped his head up so they were looking at each other. His eyes were welled with tears.

Craig didn't understand, "why are you upset?"

Tweek stilled, "She was like a second mom to me."

Craig sometimes forgot that he's techniquly known Tweek for a long time and that they would know each other.

Then Clyde spoke up, "yeah, you might think your alone, but we all loved her. Craig finally gave a small smile, "I should have known." Most of his anger was gone, replaced by a deep rooted emptiness. So while Craig didn't feel angry anymore he didn't feel happy, or sad, or any other emotion.

everyone in the room gave a moment of silence, and while Craig wasn't religious he prayed to everyone god he knew about just in case.

They stayed like that until the nurse came back in, "it looks like your free to go."

Craig just stares blankly at her, "what?"

"Now that your conscious and in a stable condition your free to leave. However, your mom was transported to a bigger hospital."

"Can I see her?"

her annoyance from anger was gone, replaced with a look of pity. "I'm afraid not, she's in the middle of surgery but if she survives you'll get to see her."

Craig just nodded. But even as he was being escorted out of the hospital, and his friends were talking, and on his way to his house, all he could think about was what the nurse said. If she gets out of the hospital.

Even as he just sat in his bedroom alone that's all he could think of. He sprawled out on his bed. He looked at the time and was surprised at how late it was.

Perfect, he thought as he laid out on the bed.

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