Day 9, Part 1

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A/N: I wanted to apologize because when I originally published this chapter Wattpad deleted almost all of it and I didn't catch it until just now. So here's the finished chapter. So thank you for putting up with me.

Craig woke up to Clyde vigorously shaking him. Craig groggily stared at Clyde, expecting him to give a reason as to why he chose to wake him up at God knows what time, especially when Clyde knows just how much he's not a morning person.

However, the only thing Craig got from Clyde was his erratic pointing towards where Token was softly snoring. "Is this seriously what you woke me up for?"

Clyde's eyes went wide, "are you saying that's not the most adorable thing ever?"

If Craig hadn't just been woken up then maybe he would have been a little more appreciative, but even so, he didn't find anything particularly cute about Token sleeping.

"Yes, that is what I'm saying."

Clyde's cheeks pinked in embarrassment, "oh, well sorry then."

Craig wanted to go back to sleep, but he was already awake now so he figured he should probably just stay awake at this point.

Craig glanced at the clock and noticed that it was almost seven. If they planned to get to school on time, they should probably leave soon.

"Token, wake up, we should probably go to school."

Clyde did the same thing he did earlier to Craig to Token, which made Craig smile and Token grumble in annoyance.

After a good ten minutes of the three of them scrambling to get ready, they finally left in Token's car. After all, any chance they got to ride in Token's car they were going to use.

Eventually, they made it to school, and they each went their separate ways to the first period. The closer Craig got to class the more he realized how long its been since he's been to school.

He sat down only to almost jump in surprise because Tweek was sitting next to him. Even though Craig was silently freaking out about this, Tweek didn't seem concerned. Maybe Tweek just hasn't noticed? If Tweek wasn't going to say anything, then Craig wasn't going to either.

The entire period went along these lines of Craig paying zero attention to the teacher, who needs calculus anyway and focusing on Tweek. Although Tweek was all Craig could think about the feeling did not seem to be mutual considering that Tweek was just listening intently to the teacher and taking notes. He would also occasionally bite the eraser of his pencil when he got extra concentrated in a way that Craig couldn't help but admit was adorable.

Finally, the bell rang, and Craig packed up to go to his next class. Before he left though he turned to Tweek, "hey."

Tweek looked around as if expecting Craig to be talking to someone, when Tweek couldn't find anyone he turned back to Craig, "H-Hey."

Craig didn't understand why Tweek was behaving strangely again, all he knew was he didn't like it. "What's your next period?"

Tweek stared blankly at him, "d-do you n-not know?"

"Why the hell would I know?"

Tweek flushed in embarrassment, "w-well, we s-sit next to each other."

Craig froze, Tweek and him had next class together too? "oh."

"That's w-why I was s-surprised that y-you're talking to m-me, y-you've never talked to me b-before during c-class."

Craig started feeling stupid, how did he never notice Tweek sad beside him in at least two of his classes. He felt like he had to make this up to Tweek somehow, it was the least he could do. "Do you want to walk to class together?"

Tweek grinned, "yeah, I'd like that, thank you."

Craig smirked, "cool, let's go." With that, they both headed to their next class and Craig, for the first time, was glad he went to school.

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